Posted by: | 15th Sep, 2011

Blog 1 – ☠ Drill Spill Still Kills! ☠ (Class 3 Blog)

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It’s been over a year since BP “accidentally” helped the Black Sea and Dead Sea give birth to a disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. BP, which stands for British Petroleum or Blatant Polluters, have taken up the responsibility to clean up their mess, but still, till this very day, scientists are seeing huge environmental disasters. Over the past year, this disaster has raised public attention and awareness on the ethics of BP, which has lowered its reputation. BP should change their logo cause recent conclusions by investigators show the true colours of BP, which isn’t green.

This week Wednesday, federal investigators concluded a report on the oil spill. They concluded that BP, who was running weeks behind schedule at the time, wanted to pump the oil and get it to the gas stations as fast as possible so they took shortcuts. They broke seven violations of federal regulations and more when they decided to skip the safety measures. This conclusion shows that BP doesn’t have the good of the environment in mind.

The sad fact is that they are still in business after breaking laws and causing a huge environmental disaster. BP, which now stands for Beyond Prosecution, was rich enough to take the financial hit from the oil spill. Well, at least they drill their pockets deeper than they do the earth.

In my opinion, companies who have horrible business ethics shouldn’t be allowed to be in business. They are short-sighted and only care about their own gain. So how exactly bad is their business ethics? Tony Hayward, former president of BP, said at the time of the spill that the company would survive. That’s like hitting someone with your car and saying, “don’t worry, my car is fine.” That’s how bad it is.


WORD COUNT: 296/300

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