Posted by: | 20th Oct, 2011

Blog 6 – Best Workplace! (Personal Blog)

When it comes to choosing a job, you want to choose a job that makes you want to go to work every day. A job that makes you wants to get up at six in the morning. One of the best companies to work for according to Forbes is Google, the technology giant. There are many perks for working for Google like free meals, gyms, pools, video games, and even slides as stairs. So ask yourself, do you want to be in a cubicle or alive in a workplace like this:

YouTube Preview Image

With a fun workplace like Google, they also have salaries which are above the normal wages. Salaries range from $143,000 to $241,000 per year. Even new recruits get around $140,000. In my opinion, working for Google is like a dream job.


However, getting to the heaven of jobs doesn’t come easy. Google gets over a million resumes a year, and they only accept about four to six thousand of these. That is about 0.04% to 0.06% of the people who want to work at Google. After that, you have to go though about 7 interviews in order to get hired.


WORD COUNT: 191/200

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