Posted by: | 15th Nov, 2011

Blog 11 – Homeplus Virtual Store = Ingenious Marketing (Personal Blog)

Ingenious marketing leads to an innovative revolution. Everyone knows that when you’re working in a job or busy studying you don’t have the time to go shopping for groceries. Homeplus or Korea’s Tesco is the first company to create a successful virtual market. In South Korea, a lot of people commute to and from work day and night and have little time to go shopping. So, Tesco has created a virtual store in the subway where commuters can purchase goods by scanning QR Codes with their smart-phones off a virtual wall. The groceries are added to their virtual cart and are delivered to them not in days but in an amazing hour or two.

This is a good marketing plan because it opens doors to more jobs in Homeplus as deliverers, and hardworking people can easily spend their time on something else. But, how well did it do? The result of this initiation let to a 130% increase in online sales in its first three months, which is more than double of its original sales online. Yeah, I can’t believe this isn’t a movie and I’m seeing this in actual reality. Enjoy a short video which explains their idea.

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