Posted by: | 18th Nov, 2011

Blog 12 – Isn’t EU Debt Crisis Causing High Yen? (Response on Tsuyoshi’s Blog)

After reading the blog “High Yen, EU Debt Crisis Crimp Exports” by Tsuyoshi Hamanaka, and his blog source, I find Tsuyoshi’s arguments logical, but it’s off topic, focusing on the wrong issue.

I agree with Tsuyoshi that employees are getting laid off because of new technology. With fast new innovations, a person in the technology field probably has to revisit textbooks every two years. I also agree that technology has reduced employment need.

Even though Tsuyoshi has great opinions, he is shifting away from the real focus which is how debt in European countries diminishes the exportation of Japan, which in turn boosted up the Yens’ currency compared to that of Euros or American dollars. In my opinion, this should have been the main focus. In his blog he interpreted this as the high yen causing Japan to export less, which from my understanding is not the case.

I believe Japan isn’t in crisis (“Like America!”); it’s in an economic slowdown. Japan’s one of the hardest working countries in the world, and even after countless earthquakes, and WW2, they are still on top of the economic ladder. I’m sure they’ll easily recover, and then lead us into a robot revolution!

WORD COUNT: 200/200

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