Posted by: | 30th Oct, 2011

Blog 7 – Ineffective Way of Sustainability (Response on Brantford Ho’s Blog)

After reading the blog “Dealing with Climate Change…Ineffectively” by Brantford Ho, and the blogs source “A Clunker of a Climate Policy” by Jeffrey D. Sachs, I found Brantford’s perspective on the topic logical and well thought.

Cash for Clunkers

The article is about a program federal program known as “Cash for Clunkers” which seeks to lessen CO2 emissions by giving individuals an incentive of up to $4,500 to trade their old cars for safer fuel efficient cars. However, economists, such as Jeffrey Sachs, argue that this program is costly and also states “that we should rely on price signals, rather than subsidized programs.” In Brantford’s blog, he says their points are valid but doesn’t agree with either side. He also has his own recommendations of implementing taxes on the externalities such as CO2 emission.

In my opinion, I think that Sachs’ argument is backed up is strongly backed up with evidence. However, I think his just a critic. He dislikes the program, but he himself has no better alternatives to reduce CO2 emissions. Brantford on the other hand has a good recommendation which I think would reduce CO2 emissions. Funny isn’t it how we spend so much more just to make it sustainable.

If You Are Interested #1
If You Are Interested #2

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