Musqueam Territory

By: Danika Hammond


“The University of British Columbia Vancouver campus is located on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded territory of the Musqueam people.”


We’ve heard this many times, but do we know what it means?


To be located on the traditional and ancestral land of the Musqueam people means that the Musqueam nation has been living on this land and practicing their traditions and culture since time in memorial. At the Museum of Anthropology, there is a bountiful collection of artifacts used by the ancestors of the Musqueam, found in this area.
To be located on the unceded land of the Musqueam people means that the nation never yielded or formally surrendered their territory to the people who currently occupy it.


Who are the Musqueam?

The xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam) are hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓ speaking people and descendants from the Coast Salish. Their traditions are based in fishing, hunting, and gathering. They are also known for their skills in weaving. The Musqueam have a strong kinship system and traditionally live in bighouses with extended families. Their population is over 1,000 and they continue to have strong connections to their culture and traditions. To learn more about the Musqueam people, go to


Where are the Musqueam people?

At UBC, students don’t necessarily see the presence of the Musqueam people. Musqueam elder Larry Grant spoke of this predicament, saying, “We are the people of the land that are still here, but we’re invisible.”


The Musqueam band currently has 3 reserves located in Vancouver, Richmond, and Delta. The parcels of land were agreed to in the spring of 2008 and are located on the map below.

Musqueam Map

While it is important to know that we are located on the territory of the Musqueam people, it is equally important to know and recognize that they are still here. The Musqueam people are practicing their traditions and passing down their cultural wisdom to future generations.


UBC’s relationship with the Musqueam people

The University has made steps to partner with the Musqueam people through several initiatives. UBC offers Musqueam 101 and hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓ language courses, and named two houses in Totem Park for the Musqueam people (hem’lesem’ and q’elexen). In 2006, UBC signed the Memorandum of Affiliation, which further strengthened the partnership. To learn more about their relationship, go to


The purpose of this article is to help make the Musqueam people more visible in our community, highlight the relationship between UBC and the Musqueam, and most importantly, shine light on the fact that the specific Musqueam Nation who owns this territory are very much alive and present today.

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