Category Archives: Uncategorized

Improv Comedy: It’s Good for You

By: James Twaites

Maybe you’ve heard of improv. Maybe you haven’t. Here’s the gist: people make up plays as they perform them live in front of you. It’s pretty great, and I recommend it.   Getting out to the opera or an edgy art exhibition for your “cultural education” can feel like hard work, and it feels easier (and cheaper) to stay at home and watch six consecutive episodes of —insert running sitcom—. Although —insert character— is oh-so relatable and funny, it’s no substitute for getting out there and experiencing theatre.

This is why improv is a good culture fix; it isn’t homework. No one will make you watch it, you aren’t expected to take away a life lesson or gain a better understanding of your place in the universe. Granted, sometimes good improv is transformative, but it’s not why people go to see it. We go to see danger. Like a tightrope walking act or a roller-coaster, improv gives the sensation that something could go wrong at any time (and it does). When groups of people make up stories on the spot, sometimes it doesn’t work; that’s what makes it interesting. You see the players adjust in real time to the unexpected, and like a good game of sports, the outcome is discovered by the audience and the players together.

“Enough talk”, I hear you say. “When and where does this happen?”

I’m glad you asked. Here are some cool improv crews and events that run in Vancouver.

UBC Improv

We have our own personal brand of surprisingly poignant hilarity, and it’s great. Shows are $3 or $10 for a year’s membership (which includes access to workshops and all the shows for free). Come to Scarfe 100 every other Friday for an underground-rock-concert atmosphere and a ton of fun! The next show is January 30th, and you can find more information at

Grad School Improv

Grad School Improv is a collection of current and past UBC improvisers who perform at Seven Dining Lounge (53 West Broadway) from 8:00pm-10:00pm every Tuesday for only $4! That’s less than a grande mocha! Every week you’ll see a collection of fun games, scenes, and some bigger long-form pieces.


10 Speed

10 SPEED is a monthly improv show that features Vancouver’s finest improv groups doing 10-minute sets on the first Tuesday of every month. If groups exceed their allotted ten minutes, hosts Tom and Devin disrupt their sets in boorish, uncouth ways.  In the past, disruptions have included live crabs, flying sharks, dance troupes, and pizza-eating dogs. The show makes it home at the China Cloud Theatre – 524 Main Street.


Instant Theatre

Instant Theatre also runs its shows Sunday nights, starting at 9:00pm at the Havana Theatre (1212 Commercial Drive). Shows are $8, and extra great. Instant Theatre has popularized several show formats including STREETFIGHT and CAGEMATCH. Don’t worry, they aren’t as scary as they sound. Instant Theatre is better known for its classes and workshops. Check them out online and enroll if you’ve ever wanted to give it a try!
The Sunday Service

This weekly show features two halves of fast paced, absurd and hilarious improv. The first half is a mix of classic/reinterpreted short form games, performed in the group’s unique style. The second half is long form story-telling improv combining high energy scene work, characters, and interwoven stories. This happens every Sunday at 9pm at The Fox Cabaret, 2321 Main Street. It’s $7 bucks, which is the best value for entertainment you’ll ever get.


They’re all good. Pick one at random. No wrong answers. Go do it. It’s fun, and it’s good for you.


How much thought are you putting into your New Year’s Resolutions?

By: Maria Bitar

It is unsurprising to be bombarded by people discussing ‘New Year’s Resolutions,’ but are we really making handy resolutions that contribute to the betterment of our lives? Here are a few things to keep in mind when making resolutions for the New Year of 2015:

  1. Not every lifestyle is fit for a fixed set of goals

For example, you may decide that you want to lose weight this year – five pounds, maybe? Some people would consider having a work-out schedule to be crucial in achieving this goal, and that is completely justified. However, others may not be able to stick to schedules as effectively. An adjustment to the resolution may be splitting it into smaller goals such as skipping the French fries in January, or going to Ultimate whenever possible (wanting to sleep is not an excuse to skip).

  1. Are you really considering what makes YOU happy, or what makes others around you happy?

Will losing the 5 pounds make you feel happier, healthier, and more confident about yourself, or are you doing it because a family member told you to? Will studying more to achieve better grades contribute to your intellectual development and lifelong learning, or are you doing it to feel on par with your friends when it comes it grades? Ask yourself why you make each goal and how it will contribute to your overall well-being.

  1. Don’t give up if you think you’re not keeping track with your own expectations

It’s halfway through January, and you’ve already gained a pound rather than losing one. You may be thinking, “maybe weight loss isn’t for me.” Keep in mind that making goals is a dynamic process, and this process may need several adjustments before you notice progress. Don’t be afraid to experiment with what works best for you.

  1. Have others back up your goal

Do you tend to make worse nutrition choices when you’re eating alone? Find a friend who shares the same ‘get-fit’ goal and go to lunch together! Having someone there to ensure you make better choices before catching on to the habit will make it much easier for you to remain on track with your goals.

Have a Happy New Year, Vanier!

Raincouver Got You S.A.D.?

By: Emma Harris
Seasonal affective disorder, also known as SAD, is a type of depression that results from the change in seasons, usually starting and ending at the same time each year. Overall, the younger you are and the farther away from the Equator you live, the more likely you are to have SAD. Given Vancouver’s iconic dreary (and rainy!) fall and winter….and spring, students in the Lower Mainland are reported to have some of the highest SAD rates in the country.

Symptoms of SAD
In general, the symptoms of SAD include:

  • Irritable mood
  • Tiredness and low energy
  • Heavy, sluggish feeling in the arms or legs
  • Oversleeping or trouble sleeping (insomnia)
  • Appetite changes, especially craving foods high in carbohydrates
  • Weight gain or weight loss
  • Agitation or anxiety

As a student, these symptoms heavily affect your ability to be a good student and a good human being. Of course, it’s normal to have some days when you don’t feel 100%, but if you feel de-motivated to do activities you normally enjoy, feel depressed, have exaggerated sleep and appetite patterns, feel hopeless, suicidal or are turning to alcohol for comfort, you should seek help from a doctor or someone you trust.

What are the Causes of SAD?

  • Your biological clock (circadian rhythm): reduced levels of sunlight in the fall and winter disrupt your body’s internal clock, leading to odd sleeping patterns and feelings of depression.
  • Serotonin levels: drops in one of your brain’s crucial neurotransmitters negatively affects mood. This happens due to the lack of sunlight, which lowers the production of serotonin (aka the “happy” neurotransmitter).
  • Melatonin levels: changes in the seasons can disrupt the body’s level of melatonin, greatly affecting sleep patterns and your mood.

Don’t be SAD: Treatments for Seasonal Affective Disorder

  • Light therapy: aka phototherapy, you sit close to a special light therapy box, exposing you to bright light that imitates natural outdoor light. This has been shown to have positive recovery affects in as little as a few days.
  • Go outside more, sunny or not: it’s a proven fact: getting natural fresh air and exercise also boosts your serotonin levels, making up for the lack of sunlight. This in turn improves your mood to make you happier! ☺
  • Sit closer to windows in the library and in your room: find a way to be closer to the sun, even with the deceiving fog. This will be sure to lift your mood and allow you to sleep better, compared to if you were always in a room with no windows.
  • Take melatonin tablets: this dietary supplement is a synthetic form of a hormone that naturally occurs in your body to regulate mood. Taking this decreases SAD symptoms, especially in getting your sleep schedule back on track. This can be purchased without a prescription at local drug stores (ie. Shoppers Drug Mart), but always read the instructions on the back first!
  • Yoga and Meditation: clearing your mind can alleviate feelings of sadness and mood fluctuations, cause relaxation and make it easier to sleep.

UBC and Vancouver Resources

  • UBC Counselling Services: Drop-in hours are usually 9:30am-3:30pm Monday-Friday, FREE ☺ in Brock Hall, (604) 822-3811
  • Student Health Services: Health services just for students, FREE as a UBC student at the UBC Hospital. Open 8am-4pm Monday-Friday, (604) 822-7011
  • Nurse in Place Vanier: Our nurse Carla visits Place Vanier on Tuesdays from 3-6pm, feel free to ask her any questions and get more information about SAD.
  • Vancouver Crisis Line: Call anytime you need to talk to someone, (1-800) 784-2433
  • Vancouver General Hospital: to see a doctor or to get a referral, (604) 875-4111

How to Change Your Degree Multiple Times(… and still have no idea what you want to do)

By: Nicole Evans

Once upon a time, I was in high school. It was Grade 12 and I was trying to decide what I should take in university. I couldn’t decide, so I applied to six different schools and at least three different programs. I finally settled on engineering because both my father and grandfather were engineers. I liked math and physics, and it just made sense. So, come September, there I was at UBC, sitting in my first year engineering classes. Life was good – busy, but good.

Then came the time for second year program selection. Once again, I was completely lost. I wasn’t sure if engineering was what I wanted to do in the first place, and now I was being asked to choose what type of engineering I wanted to do! Despite my confusion, I finally settled again, this time on Integrated Engineering. It was the perfect compromise because I got to take classes from all the departments, therefore avoiding my decision dilemma.

Come September again, there I was at UBC, sitting in my second year Integrated Engineering classes… and I really didn’t like them. I loved the program and I loved my friends, but I hated my classes. One day, I sat down and opened the gigantic list of UBC programs. After many hours of elimination, I decided that the least objectionable option was geography. I applied to transfer into the Faculty of Arts – a bit of a departure from the world of engineering.

I dropped all of my engineering classes for second semester, and for the first time I GOT TO PICK MY CLASSES! It was amazing – I got to choose whatever I wanted! I had some biogeography, human geography, philosophy, religious studies… I was so excited. It was a bit of an adjustment moving from engineering to arts, but I enjoyed it. My classes were interesting, I understood everything, and what I learned seemed relevant! I missed the community in engineering, but I was happy.

Then at an engineering event that I helped organize for Integrated Engineering, I ran into the Dean of Applied Science. Yeah – the Dean. The head honcho, the big cheese, the person you think you’re never going to ever meet. But I met him, and we got talking. It was the first time that anyone had shown real interest in my reasons for leaving, and what my plan was now. At the end of our conversation, I’d been convinced that Civil Engineering was where I should be. I applied to transfer, and after way too much waiting, I got accepted.

Come September, and there I was at UBC, sitting in my second year Civil Engineering classes. And I loved them. But Civil Engineering isn’t just bridges and buildings. There’s a lot that you can do, and I have absolutely no clue what I want to do. But right now, I’m where I want to be, and that’s great.

So, the moral of the story is that if you don’t know what you want to do, that is totally okay. Try taking a class that you find interesting; maybe consider a minor from a different faculty. Or, if you’re completely crazy like me, switch your degree. Take it from someone who’s been there – it may be stressful and a bit scary, but it’s worth it in the end.

Holiday Health: How to Stay Active During the Holidays

By: Sarah Patrick

With the cold weather creeping in, the sun setting earlier, and the rain or even snow falling, it can be tough to get the motivation to exercise. But with all of the extra holiday goodies and finals stress, it’s really important to make sure that you’re staying fit for both physical and mental wellness.


Staying active can help your body fight off simple bacterial and viral infections. This is very useful in the cold season with so many viruses going around. It also boosts happiness levels, by releasing the chemical dopamine in your brain, which can help fight off the winter “blahs” caused by all the grey weather.


Exercising can also help with studying. It’s a great study break that helps to clear your head, and can get rid of that restless feeling so you can really sit down and focus. It also increases energy levels, which can help when you feel like you’re fading. In regards to the stresses that often come with exams, exercise lowers the stress hormone cortisol, which can help you relax when you’ve been working hard.


So how to exercise when it’s gross outside? First off, take advantage of daylight hours. With the sun setting before 5, it’s much easier to get motivated when it’s light outside. Getting up earlier is one effective way to get your exercise in while the sun’s still out. Since studying and movie watching can be done regardless of the light outside, exercise should be prioritized for while the sun is still up.


If you do want to brave the elements, make sure you’re dressed for it. Biking, running and sports can still be just as enjoyable in cooler or wetter weather – you just need to dress accordingly. Gloves are really important, as well as full skin coverage to avoid windburn. Additionally, there are tons of great outdoor winter sports, like skiing and snowshoeing. If you have enough time, local mountains like Grouse, Cyprus and Whistler can be reached through public transit or car.


If you’d rather stick inside, there are lots of great options. The UBC skating rink offers free skating for UBC students, with a $3.50 charge for skate rentals. Also, the UBC Aquatic Centre is free with your student card and has lane swimming, diving boards, a hot tub, and a sauna. There are also indoor gyms like the Bird Coop and the Vanier gym. If you really don’t feel like leaving your room (we’ve all been there), dorm room workouts, such as yoga, cardio and stretching, are still really effective. And finally, even the little things can help. Take the stairs instead of the elevator!


Overall, take care of your body and your grades and happiness levels will show for it. Don’t let the cold weather stop you from moving! Good luck!


Vancouver Study Crawl

by Vita Sackville-Hii

Are you bored of spending your days studying at Irving or Koerner? Do you forget the last time that you’ve left the UBC bubble? Do you love exploring coffee shops and libraries?

With classes finished, there’s no better time to get off campus and explore the city than during exams! Why not visit some of these great places (and bring your books and laptop along)?

*Based on my three years experience as a UBC student, and ranked from closest to farthest proximity to campus.


Grounds for Coffee

2565 Alma St

Three stops from campus on the 99 B-Line (Alma Street), this warm café is famous for its always freshly-made cinnamon buns.


Price: $

Bus: 99, 10 mins

Free wifi


Calhouns Café

3035 W Broadway

One of the only coffee shops in Vancouver that is open 24 hours a day. Friendly staff, baked goods, coffee, and plenty of outlets to plug in your laptop.


Price: $$

Bus: 99, 15 mins

Free wifi, Open 24/7


Benny’s Café

2505 W Broadway

Famous for their bagels, beer and open-mic nights. Hosts UBC Slam (slam poetry) performances during the term on Wednesday nights.


Price: $

Bus: 99, 15 mins

Free wifi, Vegan Friendly


49th Parallel Café & Lucky’s Donuts

2198 W 4th Ave

Donuts and coffee in a stylish café on 4th avenue. There really is no better mix. It’s popular, so be prepared to line up on weekends.


Price: $

Bus: 84, 4, or 14, 20 mins

Free wifi


Emily Carr University of Art and Design Library

1399 Johnston Street, Granville Island


Get inspired at one of Canada’s best fine arts universities. Plus, pay a visit to the Granville Island market and shops!


Price: free

Bus: 84 or 4, 35 mins

Free guest wifi, Limited weekend hours


Vancouver Public Library Downtown

350 W Georgia St

Plenty of seating space and beautiful views of the city. This is Vancouver’s largest public library, modeled after the great coliseum in Rome.


Price: free

Bus: 14 or 99 and Canada Line SkyTrain, 40 mins

Free guest wifi (apply for a VPL card at the front desk with a valid ID)


The Finals Countdown

By: Anna K.

Hello Vanier residents!

For some of you, next week will bring to you the first (of many) sleepless nights. Yes, my friends, finals season has arrived. Now, the question that many of you may be asking yourselves is, “How should I study?”

To begin, this is usually how an unproductive UBC student (the bear) progresses through the course of finals:




“Hey, lets go party and do nothing afterwards”
Confidence: Moderate
Anxiety: Low
Hours of sleep: High
««« »»»


“I still have 15 chapters to read!

Confidence: Low

Anxiety: High

Hours of sleep: Low

««« »»»


“My brain hurts. But at least it’s all done”à energy resources depleted

Confidence: ?

Anxiety: ?

Hours of sleep: #hibernationmode
««« »»»


Clearly, this is a disaster in the making. Why should any student go through this agonizing and tiring process? Luckily for you, YOU have the power to change this and take control of your study habits!

Here are some tips to help you make the most of studying:

  • Make a schedule of how you will spend your time for each day, BEFORE finals start (pre-planning is key). Include daily goals and SHARE them with someone who will encourage you.
  • Try a variety of study methods: teaching others, reading out loud, drawing diagrams, or making cue cards!
  • Try multiple examples, especially end-of-chapter questions and practice exams.
  • Study in environments that encourage you to focus. This differs for everyone, but cafes, libraries, and designated study areas (i.e. STUDY HALLà Dining Hall after 8:30pm) are great choices.
  • Make sure you have access to good lighting (and outlets, if needed).
  • Bring lots of healthy snacks with you and plenty of water to stay energized and well-hydrated.
  • Aim to get at least 6-7 hours of sleep everyday, and around 8 hours the day before your final.
  • Exercise as much as possible because it 1) activates the brain areas necessary for working memory, 2) modulates stress, and 3) improves immune-system functioning during your study period.
  • Include fun, short breaks! We all get tired and we all get distracted, but choosing to spend your time aimlessly will lead you to peril. Instead, schedule in something fun and MAKE SURE to set a limit for the event.
  • Save big rewards until AFTER finals.
  • Set a personal weekly goal of how many hours you intend to study for. You can calculate how productive you’re been by using this formula:

PRODUCTIVE HOURS = Focused hours (studying, reading, writing) Distracted hours (exclude eating, sleeping, washroom breaks, exercise)


Don’t forget…

Shall Not Pass

Why You Should Start Watching Anime

By: Curtis Wong


Animated films and television series are extremely polarizing for a lot of people. Some love the possibilities afforded by a literally blank canvas, while others can dismiss it entirely for lacking realism and, subsequently, immersion. When it comes to anime, chances are you’re either an otaku (borderline-obsessive), or you are baffled as to why it exists in the first place. Time to break down exactly why you need to start watching it.


Why is anime important/relevant to me??

You’d be surprised at how much commonality there is between your favourite Hollywood blockbusters and anime:

  1. The Wachowskis were heavily influenced by and borrowed sequences from the 1995 anime film Ghost in the Shell for their 1999 hit The Matrix.
  2. 2010’s wildly popular Inception borrows heavily from Satoshi Kon’s 2006 film Paprikain terms of theme and plot (dream layers and manipulation).
  3. In the opposite direction, Gonzo Studio’s Gankutsuoutakes Alexandre Dumas’ novel The Count of Monte Cristo and sets it in an alternate time/universe (similarly to what Baz Luhrmann did to Shakespeare, with his 1996 film Romeo and Juliet).


 So why is anime so limited in the West?

  1. For the most part anime is presented in Japanese, or if subbed, in “Engrish.” Thankfully with the rise of the internet this has improved with fansubs, but even that can’t save the catchy but lyrical monstrosity that is Spice and Wolf’s ending theme (don’t look it up, it’s as bad as you can imagine).
  2. On a related note, language and cultural barriers are often attached, so breaking these barriers requires active watching and context. From this, if something requires extensive context or background knowledge, you lose out on some part of the work.
  3. Sexposition! I would elaborate, but I want to keep it PG here! Contemporary western shows have excessive fan service too, don’t get me wrong, but public opinion tends to frown upon sexual content in lieu of excessive gore. (Unless it’s Game of Thrones. Then you get both. Thanks HBO!)


So understanding all of this, I’m still intrigued! Where do I start?!

Excellent question – also one that is difficult to answer! There is just so much out there, in terms of genre, art style/visuals, storytelling, and characters that it is largely based on your own preferences! However, I do think that there is a consistent starting point that should be used as a prerequisite into a more-depth foray into anime (to ease the transition, so to speak)!

  • Anything/Everything Hayao Miyazaki

So much of what he has produced are considered classics, and rightfully so! His works are accessible to all ages, have consistently amazing soundtracks (thanks Joe Hisaishi!), and most feature strong female leads! If I had to pick an order to watch his films, I would start with Howl’s Moving Castle (2004), then move on to Princess Mononoke (1997) and Spirited Away (2002) before watching everything else that he’s made.

  • Cowboy Bebop (1998)

My first completed anime series, and still my favourite series of all time – not just with anime. Premise: space cowboy and crew collecting bounties with a ragtag crew à la Joss Whedon’s Firefly. The English dub is fantastic, its dialogue is on-point, it is emotional from moments of hilarity to intense sadness, and it has some existential crisis-inducing themes.

  • Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (2009-2010)

A story of two brothers caught up in a world of magic and political intrigue, and their attempt to reclaim their physical bodies following a botched attempt to revive their deceased mother. Solid plot and themes that don’t require heavy attention when viewing, but there are A LOT of episodes to watch (which also offers a very rewarding experience to complete).

  • Clannad and Clannad Afterstory (2008-2009)

A coming-of-age tale for high-school students Tomoya and Nagisa: the former a sullen teenage boy with familial troubles, the latter an older female classmate that is part of a loving family, but is troubled with an ailing health that has left her behind her schooling a couple of years. The pair navigate family, friendships, love, and being lost in the world following graduation. *Disclaimer: this one’s a tear-jerker.

  • Anything/Everything Satoshi Kon

This category’s a doozy. The popular Tokyo Godfathers (2003) is up there among my favourite holiday titles. Fans of David Lynch’s Twin Peaks (1990-91) or Blue Velvet (1986) will love the film Perfect Blue (1997) and absurdists will love Paranoia Agent (2004); all of his works involve regular people leading questionable double-lives out of the spotlight. Aspiring film studies majors, look no further than Kon for his amazing editing and attention to detail.

    • HONOURABLE MENTIONS (in no particular order):


    • 5 Centimeters per Second
    • Ghost in the Shell
    • Interstella 5555: The 5tory of the 5ecret 5tar 5ystem (centered around Daft Punk’s album Discovery with absolutely no dialogue, produced in part by Daft Punk themselves!)
    • Attack on Titan


  • There’s too much to list! #cantstopwontstop


Anyway, get out there and start watching!


What is the SLC?

By: Josua Quisias

You may have seen some posters around campus and residence advertising about something called the SLC (or maybe you haven’t). Well, whether or not you’ve seen the posters, here’s a quick run down on what the SLC is, and why you should consider attending.
The SLC stands for the Student Leadership Conference. It’s happening on January 10th, 2015, and it’s all about promoting leadership, growth and development on campus to current and aspiring student leaders on campus and beyond, no matter what facet of leadership you’re involved in. As a delegate, you will get to experience our two keynote presentations, and when you register, you’ll get to customize your schedule for the day based on the many workshops, highlighted projects, and featured presenters that they have to offer. It’s also a chance to network with other students, exchange ideas, and to learn from each other’s experiences. Essentially, it’s an inspiring day that’s full of both personal and professional development. You’ll also get to find out about involvement opportunities on campus where you can apply what you learned at the conference and continue your growth as a leader. No matter how you choose to get involved, the SLC is your ‘Next Step’ to realize your full potential.
Last year was my first time attending the SLC, and it was fantastic. It’s a busy day, full of learning and discovering, but it was definitely worth it. I was able to share with a number of people a little bit about my experiences with leadership, as well as learn from others. One of the best parts about the SLC is the fact that it is organized by students, for students. The entire planning committee consists of your fellow students who work diligently to provide you with the best experience possible at the SLC. On top of that, your fellow students put on the majority of the workshops and highlighted projects that you can attend. Like I said, it’s a day to get inspired about what you can do with your time at UBC. Take this chance to look for ways to make the most out of your university years.
Need more reasons to go to the SLC? Well, here they are:

  1. UBC students get $20 off their registration fee.
  2. The SLC occurs on the first Saturday after term 2 starts, so academic commitments are at a minimum.
  3. Some of your RAs are on the planning committee.
  4. Some of your RAs are presenting.

Still not convinced? Check out for more information, and to read up on all of the different workshops, highlighted projects, and featured presenters that you can go to! Registration opens on Nov. 18th.


10 Tips for Life as a First Year

First year university is a crazy, exciting, and hectic time in a student’s life. You make friends, you make mistakes, and maybe you even make the grade. Here are some things that I learned in my first year at UBC:

  1. Trust me, making friends is waaaaaay easier than you expect. Everyone is just as eager to talk about where they’re from and what faculty they’re in. Don’t be shy and go introduce yourself!
  2. You’ll meet TONS of people in your first week at UBC. And you’ll probably never speak to half of them again. And that’s okay.
  3. It may be awkward to have to ask for someone’s name again, but it’s even more awkward to still not know it halfway through the year (some personal experience on this one).
  4. You’ll eat waaaaaay too much pizza. Dominoes and Mercante, anyone?
  5. As much as it may suck, it’ll benefit you in the long run to lock yourself in your room on a Friday night and catch up on your work.
  6. You’re not paying all that money just to walk back and forth from rez/the bus loop to your classes. Take some time to really explore the campus. Watch the sunset from Wreck Beach. Explore a building that you’ve never had a class in.
  7. A pro tip to making friends in class: go up to someone and ask them if the seat beside them is open. Even if you know it is, ask. It’s a super simple icebreaker to use and followed by a quick introduction, you can get the conversation rolling in no time.
  8. Unlike high school, chances are that you’re not the smartest person here, and no one expects you to be. Try hard, but don’t beat yourself up over it.
  9. Expect a drop in grades. Those high 90s won’t last you forever. It will hurt the ego to come out of high school with a 97 in Chemistry and receive a 68 on your first midterm.
  10. And finally, if you’re lucky, the memories that you make during your first year will change your life.

