Marketing- The Business Mans Choice

Marketing is the cornerstone of the business. The main aim of the firms is to maximize their profits. The most reliable way to do so is to ace the marketing of the product. Good marketing is directly related to higher profits.

Heineken is one of the biggest brewery serving beers to millions every day. This level of sales is because of their amazing marketing. The firm uses a lot of revenue for this section to grow its business every year. The advertisements of Heineken have never failed to attract the population. It has made some witty, promising and dramatic ads which is always loved by the people.1

But this is not the only way they reach out to people. Their logo itself is a marketing strategy. They have made it in such a way which psychologically attracts the consumer.2 Some other ways how they market their beer is by advertising their water in the areas where alcohol is banned or not promoted. This is an indirect advertisement for their beer.

There are some more ways on how they promote their beer. One of them is being sustainable. Water has now become the most valuable thing due to its scarcity. Hence, Heineken have started using less water in the making which is favorable for all.3

Also, they provided 70,000 cans of water to the adversely affected country, Mexico due to the recent earthquakes. This made them really popular and get a good name in the beer industry.4

Heineken has always been on top of the ladder when it comes to marketing and this has resulted them to overcome all its competition and having the highest growth and market shares.


Ethics: something that matters

Ethics are always the cornerstone of a business. As the brand value of the firm rises, the ethics have to be taken care off.

Starbucks, one of the leading food industry, primarily aims to serve hot coffee and some light snacks as fast as possible. This makes it desirable for a common man working. Now, a man wants something really good as a recharger and Starbucks hasn’t failed to do so. It provides with quick hot and cold, refreshing, beverages and snacks and doesn’t fail to take care of the quality of the food.

As the article suggests the coffee is made with fine coffee which suffices the quality. But, the take care of something more than their coffee, like the customers are always welcomed and made feel like having coffee at your own place.

This article puts light upon the few ethical considerations made by the leading coffee chain, Starbucks Coffee and reflects the importance of ethics in any business practice.

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