Ethics: something that matters

Ethics are always the cornerstone of a business. As the brand value of the firm rises, the ethics have to be taken care off.

Starbucks, one of the leading food industry, primarily aims to serve hot coffee and some light snacks as fast as possible. This makes it desirable for a common man working. Now, a man wants something really good as a recharger and Starbucks hasn’t failed to do so. It provides with quick hot and cold, refreshing, beverages and snacks and doesn’t fail to take care of the quality of the food.

As the article suggests the coffee is made with fine coffee which suffices the quality. But, the take care of something more than their coffee, like the customers are always welcomed and made feel like having coffee at your own place.

This article puts light upon the few ethical considerations made by the leading coffee chain, Starbucks Coffee and reflects the importance of ethics in any business practice.

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