Human Resources – Stakeholders matter

Walmart is a large retail corporation originated the U.S.A., serving the daily items at a cheaper price. It is the preferred retail store. Price is not the only factor that makes something favourable, the service by the employees working make it a complete package for the customers.

Talking about the service provided by the employees, they need advantages working at Walmart to be efficient. The human resources is a very important aspect in business and Walmart doesn’t fail to serve their employees. One of the salient advantages of working there is that most of the employees earn between $50,000 and $170,000 per annum which is very favorable for employees. Also, the promotion rates at Walmart are really high which is motivating for the employees to do efficient work.1

To add on to the benefits, Walmart provides health insurance to its employees which makes their work even more efficient. Also, Walmart gives many incentives like the good performers get a share from the profit which is favorable for the company as they work harder.2

There are also some minor advantages to the employees like getting discount on shopping at Walmart and offering Maternity and parenting leave to employees.3 Walmart provides all these benefits to the employees in order to get them work efficiently. As mentioned earlier, they provide them with high wages and health insurance which is salient for the employees and hence they work efficiently to get the best of the benefits. This shows the human resources at Walmart is well managed as all employees have decent benefits.

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