Green is the new Black!

There is globalization, Global warming and climate change have become a concern, the population is increasing rapidly, people are using more vehicles. Vehicles make work much easier as they save time and hence, is preferred by all. Till the last decade, most of us used the vehicles run on petrol and diesel. Here I come to my topic as the cars run on petrol and diesel are horrendous for the environment and to solve this grave problem Tesla came up with the smart idea of an electric car as good as the Mercedes CLS.

The article I am referring to states the coherence of the electric car by Tesla and how its beneficial for the environment. Here the ethical aspect comes in, as Tesla takes a step forward to help the environment, to help us.

There are always arguments made that electric cars are more harmful than the usual car and have double the impact on global warming and there are lots of toxic used in processing the electricity. But in response, Model S was compared with the Audi RS7 in Australia. The results displayed that Tesla model S was more environmentally friendly than the AUDI run on petrol. Also, to add to the claim the table below shows the statistics

As seen in the chart, different types of cars are being compared in terms of carbon die oxide emissions. According to the data, all the Tesla models emit least Carbon die oxide.

At the end of the article, it’s stated that Tesla, in its marketing doesn’t focus on the environmental issues as its name is out on what it does and hence it has its own group of people what the car company does.

To sum it up, the article has a strong aspect of the ethics followed by Tesla in this huge industries. It’s not a cakewalk for such a gigantic industry but Tesla now has a whole bunch of people wanting their cars due to its environmental benefits and it supplements the other car companies well.

Article reference

Electric Cars Are Better For The Environment. Period. (2015, October 23). Retrieved November 11, 2017, from

Picture reference

[CO2 emissions by different vehicle type ]. Retrieved from

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