Green is the new Black!

There is globalization, Global warming and climate change have become a concern, the population is increasing rapidly, people are using more vehicles. Vehicles make work much easier as they save time and hence, is preferred by all. Till the last decade, most of us used the vehicles run on petrol and diesel. Here I come to my topic as the cars run on petrol and diesel are horrendous for the environment and to solve this grave problem Tesla came up with the smart idea of an electric car as good as the Mercedes CLS.

The article I am referring to states the coherence of the electric car by Tesla and how its beneficial for the environment. Here the ethical aspect comes in, as Tesla takes a step forward to help the environment, to help us.

There are always arguments made that electric cars are more harmful than the usual car and have double the impact on global warming and there are lots of toxic used in processing the electricity. But in response, Model S was compared with the Audi RS7 in Australia. The results displayed that Tesla model S was more environmentally friendly than the AUDI run on petrol. Also, to add to the claim the table below shows the statistics

As seen in the chart, different types of cars are being compared in terms of carbon die oxide emissions. According to the data, all the Tesla models emit least Carbon die oxide.

At the end of the article, it’s stated that Tesla, in its marketing doesn’t focus on the environmental issues as its name is out on what it does and hence it has its own group of people what the car company does.

To sum it up, the article has a strong aspect of the ethics followed by Tesla in this huge industries. It’s not a cakewalk for such a gigantic industry but Tesla now has a whole bunch of people wanting their cars due to its environmental benefits and it supplements the other car companies well.

Article reference

Electric Cars Are Better For The Environment. Period. (2015, October 23). Retrieved November 11, 2017, from

Picture reference

[CO2 emissions by different vehicle type ]. Retrieved from

There is always scope for improvement!

The sole purpose of business is earning loads of profit. But it always comes with something more. Ethics is mandated for every businessman and hence they are left with no option but to follow it. The terms basically imply to do sustainable production which is in favor with the entire society. In order to gain, many businesses, irrespective of it being small or big, do unethical practices.

For a better explanation, Corporate Social Responsibility is detailed by my friend Seerat Acharya on her blog. It is basically doing society friendly production or service. She has coherently explained the CSR with some examples.

She took the example of the technology giant, Apple. Seerat asserted that apple evaded taxes and hence due to unethical behavior had to pay a penalty of $13 billion. To improve her claim she could have detailed it more. As in the article, it says that Apple made huge profits in the European zone, especially in Ireland and due to some ignored laws, apple made huge profits in the country. Being more specific helps the blog to be more focused on the issue.

She then went on explaining how the CSR should work. She put on good points that how companies look at ethics being a liability for their respective business. Furthermore, she spoke about how ethics are ignored throughout just to earn more profit ignoring the fact that there is a social cost which comes along. For the bettering of the blog, she could have stated some essential points of ethics too. Like being ethical can set a benchmark for a firm as they cant cross that line and can function within that line. Also, profit is not only earned by the products that are sold in retail, but also the reputation of the firm matters. The reputation comes only by being ethical and hence in the long term the firm will profit. 

Seerat’s article was rational but also had a scope of improvement by specifying the problem of Apple and specifying the pros of practicing ethics which would make it more coherent.

Article reference

Seerat Acharya’s Blog | Just another UBC Blogs site [Web log post]. (2017, September 13). Retrieved from

Picture reference 

Ethics. (n.d.). Retrieved October 27, 2017, from

Human Resources – Stakeholders matter

Walmart is a large retail corporation originated the U.S.A., serving the daily items at a cheaper price. It is the preferred retail store. Price is not the only factor that makes something favourable, the service by the employees working make it a complete package for the customers.

Talking about the service provided by the employees, they need advantages working at Walmart to be efficient. The human resources is a very important aspect in business and Walmart doesn’t fail to serve their employees. One of the salient advantages of working there is that most of the employees earn between $50,000 and $170,000 per annum which is very favorable for employees. Also, the promotion rates at Walmart are really high which is motivating for the employees to do efficient work.1

To add on to the benefits, Walmart provides health insurance to its employees which makes their work even more efficient. Also, Walmart gives many incentives like the good performers get a share from the profit which is favorable for the company as they work harder.2

There are also some minor advantages to the employees like getting discount on shopping at Walmart and offering Maternity and parenting leave to employees.3 Walmart provides all these benefits to the employees in order to get them work efficiently. As mentioned earlier, they provide them with high wages and health insurance which is salient for the employees and hence they work efficiently to get the best of the benefits. This shows the human resources at Walmart is well managed as all employees have decent benefits.

Marketing- The Business Mans Choice

Marketing is the cornerstone of the business. The main aim of the firms is to maximize their profits. The most reliable way to do so is to ace the marketing of the product. Good marketing is directly related to higher profits.

Heineken is one of the biggest brewery serving beers to millions every day. This level of sales is because of their amazing marketing. The firm uses a lot of revenue for this section to grow its business every year. The advertisements of Heineken have never failed to attract the population. It has made some witty, promising and dramatic ads which is always loved by the people.1

But this is not the only way they reach out to people. Their logo itself is a marketing strategy. They have made it in such a way which psychologically attracts the consumer.2 Some other ways how they market their beer is by advertising their water in the areas where alcohol is banned or not promoted. This is an indirect advertisement for their beer.

There are some more ways on how they promote their beer. One of them is being sustainable. Water has now become the most valuable thing due to its scarcity. Hence, Heineken have started using less water in the making which is favorable for all.3

Also, they provided 70,000 cans of water to the adversely affected country, Mexico due to the recent earthquakes. This made them really popular and get a good name in the beer industry.4

Heineken has always been on top of the ladder when it comes to marketing and this has resulted them to overcome all its competition and having the highest growth and market shares.


Ethics: something that matters

Ethics are always the cornerstone of a business. As the brand value of the firm rises, the ethics have to be taken care off.

Starbucks, one of the leading food industry, primarily aims to serve hot coffee and some light snacks as fast as possible. This makes it desirable for a common man working. Now, a man wants something really good as a recharger and Starbucks hasn’t failed to do so. It provides with quick hot and cold, refreshing, beverages and snacks and doesn’t fail to take care of the quality of the food.

As the article suggests the coffee is made with fine coffee which suffices the quality. But, the take care of something more than their coffee, like the customers are always welcomed and made feel like having coffee at your own place.

This article puts light upon the few ethical considerations made by the leading coffee chain, Starbucks Coffee and reflects the importance of ethics in any business practice.

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