Monthly Archives: September 2010

Student Profile!

Due to hugely popular demand, I’m going to try and feature other Mech students and see what they have to say about their student experience. First up is Keir Maguire:

I’m a 5th year student working on finishing 3rd year Mechanical Engineering in the Mechatronics Option. I did a year of Science before I switched into Engineering, because I wanted to gain more applicable and practical knowledge. The Mechanical Engineering Department, although not flawless, is a great environment to pursue your interests both in class, tutorials, and labs, and through extra-curricular pursuits. Many professors and TA’s are very interested in their student’s success and growth. The mechatronics option is especially interesting for the cross-discipline focus and the smaller classes.

I am also involved in Formula UBC, which is one of the best engineering teams, recognized across campus and industry, both locally and internationally. I have taken part in MEMS research, both as a research assistant and through additional projects, and the exposure to the people and research throughout Applied Science gave me confidence that I was pursuing a worthwhile degree. As well, being a Mechanical Engineering student has allowed me to do an internship in Germany for a summer and I hope to return there and to other countries to further my professional development while exploring the world.

Welcome Back!

Hey everyone, hope you had a great summer as it looks like we’re diving head-first into the Mech 3.5 Thermofluids term! This fall looks like we’ll be grinding out another design project with Mech 325/328. Like Mech 223, team-based learning takes over for the next four months.

On top of these, I’ll also be taking a Mech 327 Thermal System Design, Mech 386 Industrial Fluid Mechanics, and an arts elective Psychology 102. I’m really looking forward to the first two courses as they’ll probably be very applicable to the sorts of HVAC and efficient energy systems design I’m interested in. PSYC 102 will be interesting as well since it will be the first non-engineering course I’ve taken since POLI 101 in first-year!

On a side note, check out this awesome webcomic by a previous UBC Mech student called Wasted Talent.