
Hello! My name is Kevin and I am a university student from Canada (eh?). What you need about me is that I like joking around, talking to people, making new friends and having a grand ol’ time. I mean to start this blog as a way for me to keep track of my life, especially since I am at that stage of life where everything is changing very quickly. Soon I will grad from university and get a proper job, but before all that happens, I really want to document and cherish the time I have in my 20s (so I can have a laugh in my old age).

As you read through my blog, you will find that I am crazy about food, fashion, friends and travel. I am also fascinated by design, art, photography and film. 

I am very excited about life in general, the goods, the bads and the terribles, and I cannot wait to share it with the world and hopefully give somebody a laugh. If you find me interesting, don’t be afraid to follow me. Cheers!


Enjoy your stay!

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