Tag Archives: spanish

Hello Sagrada Familia + More

A couple weeks ago (sorry for the late post), I visited the Sagrada Familia because it was free!! During La Mercè, I got free tickets and I couldn’t wait to see this infamous monument in person. Unfortunately, my camera failed and ran out of battery right before and I was left with only my iphone camera (sorry for the quality).

Infamous Sagrada Familia

Infamous Sagrada Familia

Getting to the Sagrada Familia is super easy, they even have a metro stop named after it and when I first arrived, I was surprised and taken back by the neighbourhood. The church was surrounded by little markets and residential. It was very unusual to see and it kinda takes away from the beauty of the church. And of course, quick history on the church:

1. It was designed by Antoni Gaudí (Catalan artist) and he designed this building knowing he will die long before the construction of it.
2. The construction was first started in 1882 and still under development, but it is expected to be finished in 2026.
3. The church was gothic inspired and comparably unique to other roman churches in design.
4. The church relied heavily on private donations and the construction was once interrupted during the Spanish Civil War and it only continued around 1950s.
5. The church is in the UNESCO World Heritage Site (like a Guinness book of records) for having cultural and physical significance.

Just a note for anyone that plans to go, there’s always a line up that circles around the parameter of the church, however, please don’t be intimidated, the line moves very quickly and most people don’t stay too long in the church.—everyone just wants to take a picture.

The design is just so breathtaking and…funky (gothic inspired)? I’ve honestly never seen anything so unique. If I didn’t know, I wouldn’t even recognize that it was a church because there are parts of the building that resemble fruits, animals, nature, and human. Very organic looking and unlike most churches I’ve seen which are very structured (square, circles, triangles, and rectangles). Look back at my pictures of Duomo, right? Completely different!

The interior resembles a forest and you can clearly see this when you look up at the ceiling. Although it is still under construction, people do come to pray on a regular basis. My favourite is the glass-stained windows. They are beautiful with the light shining through in the day. There’s a video in the church that shows what it will look like after the construction. I hope to see it once again when it is finished.

My friend who studied in Barcelona long ago came to visit and brought me to a wonderful spanish restaurant (becoming one of my favourite), it is super well-priced to go as a group (3-4 or more), great tasting and very filling. The restaurant (L’Avia) is in El Raval. The owner is also the cook and he is very friendly, but the service is quite slow and there’s always a line up (small place). The food is excellent in quality and the prices are superb if you’re running on a student budget (I always forget to take pics of the food when I’m hungry). They served a mix of Spanish and Italian dishes, my personal favourite is the empanadas and seafood paellas.

I also visited the F.C Barcelona museum (inside the stadium) for a project I did in a class. I would definitely recommend everyone to go and check out this museum, even if you’re not a diehard football fan. It was reasonably priced (under 20€) and I learned so much, definitely worth a visit if you’re in Barcelona. The point was to learn more about the Spanish history, Catalan culture, and F.C.B’s significance in protecting it through Franco and the civil war. Football is more than just a sport to the Spaniards, it has always been a part of their life through thick and thin (they can turn to football, even at their lowest point). Going in, it feels like Vancouver Winter Olympic all over again. So much Barcelona pride with trophies and jerseys everywhere! I couldn’t believe how incredibly huge the stadium was. It holds up to 99,786 seats and is the largest stadium in Europe. Although, I am not a huge football fan and I don’t follow it religiously (but I’ll watch it during world cup), I still got myself a jersey. I want to make it my mission to at least see a game before I leave Barcelona.



Anywho that’s it for this week’s adventures—next week’s post is about Oktoberfest…in MUNICH!!



Hello National Day of Catalonia

I miss Cicely and Miya! They are now back in Pamplona and I am back at school with another week of Spanish class. I am actually learning quite a bit. I wouldn’t say I can carry a full-on spanish conversation, but I can pick out words here and there and read off signs and billboards. Not a complete fail.

The past few days have been much more relaxing since I am finally all settled in, I learned to get around using the metro and I know where to shop! All is good. On monday, we tried this sushi place near ESADE in Sant Cugat. This district is around 35-40mins train ride from the heart of Barcelona and the temperature is a little cooler than Barcelona. It is also a richer neighbourhood. The sushi place was call Izakaya (we have one in Vancouver but of course, operated by different people) and it was surprisingly good. I ordered the set lunch menu that came with an appetizer and an entre for 10€. We also had wine, but nowadays, I have wine with almost every meal, so just assume that from now on. A girl named Steph which I met through Una is hilarious. She is a free spirit, she speaks her mind and is absolutely crazy about japanese ginger. We watched her order plates after plates of it. I get along with these people quite well since we all have fun personalities.

I have also been cooking a lot more at home instead of eating out. 1. It is expensive to eat out all the time and 2. now that I am travelling and I find myself eating irregularly (I don’t know why), especially when I go out. What I mean is that I sometimes eat very early and other times very late. The amount I eat also fluctuates from day to day. Somedays I am a machine, and other days, I can go on the whole day with just breakfast. But since I’ve been cooking at home more often, I’ve also been eating less sporadically. Does anyone else feel the same? Another problem I have is that whenever I go out with friends, I always feel the need to eat even when I may not necessarily be hungry. I guess it’s because I don’t wanna sit there and do nothing, but talk and watch other people eat. It seems like a socially awkward thing to do. —Anywho, back to cooking, I’ve been loving this “egg in a hole” creation I learned on YouTube. It is so easy to make and delicious to boot! I’ve also been bringing salad to school with baked chicken breast. Whatever is fast and easy, I will make.

One major event that happened this week was the National Day of Catalonia. It is celebrated every year on September 11 to commemorate the 14 month Siege of Barcelona. Here’s a little history lesson: Spain was not always one happy country. The problem was that one of it’s kings (Charles II of Spain) could not produce a heir, so when he died, they had to sought out another king and in this case, through the heirs of his sisters. This problem divided spain into two, followers of Philip IV (the French) and followers of Charles VI (the Austrian). And basically, the catalans fought to support Charles VI to the throne, however, on September 11, 1714, they were defeated and forced to surrender. And the catalans are made up of four major provinces: Barcelona, Girona, Lleida, and Tarragona. The catalans wants independence from the Spanish government because of taxes and lack of public spending (the govt treated them like shit). Here’s a video that might explain more since I am just learning about this recently:


There were so many people on the streets and around Arc de Triomf and Parc de la Ciutadella, tents were set up to sell catalona gifts, flags, books, food and drinks—there was even street performers! Not to mention GIANT PAELLA! Seeing the atmosphere and experiencing how passionate these people were, I just had to pick up a flag to join in on the festivities. For lunch, Marc brought us to his favourite sushi restaurant called ZEN Sushi (all you can eat for 12€ + cost of drinks). The interior was very proper and the food was very good in comparison to other sushi places I’ve been to in Barcelona. THEY ACTUALLY HAD A MENU TO ORDER FROM!! The dish that stood out the most was this grilled duck. I want seconds just thinking about it. Marc was embarrassed that I ordered so many dishes, but hey, I’ve got an appetite for good food! After lunch, we walked towards the human chain (people holding hands to form a line dividing Catalonia and the rest of Spain) and joined in on the chanting of IN-INDE-INDEPENDENCIAAA!! So much history and culture within one day, I love it! And I was so glad to be there to witness this momentous event in person. Also seeing all these people with the FC Barcelona jersey makes me wanna get one, paint my face and watch a football game! Maybe…

We also got to see the Parliament building for free and it was really fancy, almost like a museum or royal palace. This is kinda embarrassing, but I haven’t even been to the parliament building in Victoria or Ottawa…please someone bring me to these places!

On thursday, we had a welcome dinner with all the other exchange students from ESADE (MBA and BBA). It was organized by a group of ESADE students (CIEE) who plans activities for incoming exchange students. Initially, I thought it would be a sit-down dinner with fancy venue and wine (we paid 20€!), but it turned out to be a club setting with a bar and tapas. We had four drink tickets and by the looks of the place, music and atmosphere, it was definitely not enough to amp up the night. It was really difficult to socialize in those settings because we had loud music blasting, very little lights and shitty drinks (wine and beer sucked).  Not to mention, the food was not worth 20€ to say the least. I felt like I was shouting the entire night and hardly anyone danced. People just stood awkwardly and by the end of the night, my ankle was not feeling it and I left to catch the last metro home.—oops, forgot to mention that everyone who was in the intro Spanish classes had a final the next day…

I tried to squeeze as much studying as possible but I ended up falling asleep because of the wine. But good thing I was paying attention in class and have been keeping up with the worksheets and handouts. I am confident that I passed and got a decent grade since it was pure memorization and I finished first.

After a long week, it seems like I finally have time to myself and explore the city a little bit. Considering my current situation of living out of a suitcase, it was time I did some shopping. Sophia, Raj and I went to Plaça de Catalunya where it was basically shopping central. Department stores after another and streets full of boutiques and big name brands. Specially, Zara and H&M, they are everywhere! They are like Starbucks, one on every block and sometimes, two on the same block. A little obsessive, but I’m not complaining. We then met up with Uri (spanish local) and Melánia, explored a bit of the streets (Portal de L’Angel and La Rambla) and he brought us to the Cathedral of the Holy Cross and Saint Eulalia which designed by Josep O. Mestres. I really like these gothic-inspired designs and architectures. Along the way, we passed a couple of shops that were very interesting like this donut shop which had donuts hanging on their wall and a bunch of touristy shops. We also stumble upon Plaça Reial which looked very different from what I’ve seen of Barcelona. It almost looked like a resort!—must be the palm trees. This however, was designed by the one and only….Gaudí!! The fountain looked so cool, I just had to do something spontaneous…

taking a leap of fate!

taking a leap of fate!

Uri brought us to Marc’s favourite tapas restaurant (Txapela) and I really liked the atmosphere of the place and especially the menu since there’s pictures to choose from! My Spanish still sucks, so I’m pretty much a baby when it comes to talking to Spaniards.  Maybe you can see from the pictures, but I had #6, #27, and #39. It was very tasty and although Raj is a vegetarian, he managed to pick out some very unique dishes and overall, I give this place 7 thumbs up outta 10 since the service was extremely slow (same with else in Spain…slow as hell). After a full afternoon of shopping, Sophia and I stopped by Amorino (recommended by Raj) for ice cream! It was not that they have tons of flavours to choose from but the fact that whatever flavour you choose, they will make your ice cream cone look like a flower!—too bad I picked flavours like tiramisu and pistachio, because my cone looked, well, less flower-like. Nonetheless, mucho bueno!

And same with last week, I had an uneventful sunday where I literally just siesta all day and worked on my resume and cover letters for January and May recruitment. Oh, I guess I forgot to mention, all my roommates have left! Well, just for the weekend, so I have the whole apartment to myself which is nice but kinda lonely sometimes. I am used to at least having my brother around the house, but I’ll live, no big deal.

And for my next big adventure, I will be going to MILAN, Italia next weekend!! Just in time for fashion week. So until next time, cheers and adios mis amigos!


Hello Barcelona!!

WOW. Just wow. Barcelona is amazing and I haven’t even explore the whole city yet! I’m loving this so far and my UBC friends are also here too! Gonna be good times all around. I apologize in advance for posting this so late, so much has been going on when I was in the process of writing this.

look at that face

look at that face

Anywho this was my first week in Barcelona and I already missed some intro spanish classes, because of my broken ankle. It is still swollen and it hurts when I walk too much. I arrived on thursday September 4 and on my way to Barcelona, I had two layovers. First was at London, where I’ve picked up the September issue of GQ, because Harry was on the cover. Gotta support ma boys ya know?!

9.90 euro dinner at L'Ham

9.90 euro dinner at L’Ham

My next stop was Frankfurt, which by then I was grumpy and tired, and couldn’t possibly wait any longer to go to Barcelona. Once I arrived to Barcelona, I was picked up by my landlord (Marc). He attends the same school as me (ESADE), but he is in the Masters program and a few years older. From what I have observed so far, he is super nice and easy to talk to. In fact, he made sure we fell in love with the city by bringing us out for dinners, sightseeing and parties. Like on Friday night, he brought us to L’Ham for dinner. It was amazing like for realz. 9.90€ for a three course dinner with dessert and wine! The reason why it was so cheap was because this restaurant was a culinary school and it was a chance for their students to practice working in a real restaurant environment. So worth it and I was so full.

Outfit grid

airport style

I know zero spanish, so the intro class is definitely helping a lot, but during the first class, I felt so stupid and I hated that feeling. I took french throughout high school, so I’m so accustom to saying “merci”, “oui”, “bonjour”, “au revoir”, and etc. But I have faith that I can pick up some spanish during this 4-month period. My classmates are from all over the world and they are really friendly and inclusive. They’ve already invited me to go clubbing with them, but I wasn’t feeling up to it since I am still settling in and I had so much to do like getting a sim card for my phone, groceries, learning how to get to school and around the city and setting up a bank account. Not to mention this blog. I think I’m gonna try to post every Sunday and recap everything I did during the week and if I get more free time, I will post during the week too.


This is a rather late post, but I’ll try to keep up. RIght now, my friends Cicely and Miya are visiting (they are studying in Pamplona), so we’ve been hanging out a lot and they reminded me a lot of home since we’re all from UBC. Always good to see a familiar face.

Anywho, there’s more to come and my body, mind and soul is ready! Haha.

