Wrong Stage

If you know the name Rob Ford you may have it already associated with other unkind words like rude and irresponsible floating around in your mind. Now this is not to say that I believe Mr. Ford actually embodies these things. Most of the cruel accusations and names are coming hot from the nationwide media amid new information and quotes surfacing surrounding alleged drug use and sex-scandals. While all this behaviour seems to have people in uproar, I can’t help but feel interested instead of disgusted towards the situation. Mr. Ford, among many previous leaders such as corporate and national executives, has felt how easily a popular figure may be transformed so easily in the eyes of the media. I draw very odd comparisons between Rob Ford and characters like Miley Cyrus who have allowed themselves as well as us to understand how we as a society allocate our attention. Someone once said “No such thing as bad press”. If that’s the case, then I should start down the path of public embarrassment through drug-use and crude sexuality. Sadly though, I’m not a rockstar. Neither is Mr. Ford. So while I completely understand the thoughts conveyed in blog sites such as these (insert warning for R-rated blog), the real insights lie behind understanding that it’s not necessarily Mr. Fords actions that are so horrific, because we’ve all seen what rock and roll is all about. It’s that he’s trying to rock and roll being the democratically elected representative of a municipal district.

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