Task 07: Mode-bending

Please find movie in link below:

Task 7 Movie

Google Drive:

For Task 7, I attempted to create a Lord of Rings style parody about my work bag. I thoroughly enjoyed the process of making” new use of old materials”, and I hope at very least this was somewhat entertaining to watch.

My reason’s for creating a short film for this project were two-fold. Firstly, I have the task of teaching Adobe Premiere Pro for the upcoming school year, and I jumped at the opportunity to learn more about the software. Secondly, when attempting to present material in a way that is relevant and reflective of our current society, I think film is the most effective medium. Film allows for the integration of numerous multimedia technologies into a singular resource. As the New London Group (1996) describes, “pedagogy now must account for the burgeoning variety of text forms associated with information and multimedia technologies.” Using the medium of film, I attempted to incorporate text forms through visual design, audio design and linguistic design.

Audio Design:
– Voice Effects: Hearing my own voice with a sketchy elven accent was just embarrassing, so I added some reverb, and pitch shifting to create a fuller sound.
– Music: The incorporation of background music helps set the mood, and put the film appropriately over the top.

Visual Design:
– Captions: I found this was an important technique to include, as reading text paired with hearing it and seeing the objects on screen reinforces the connection with the content.
– Key Frames: Panning the zooming.
– Images and frames: Reflective of theme.
– Colour Theme: Muted earth tones. Cold colours. Filters.

Linguistic Design:
– Vocabulary and metaphors: reflective of a Lord of the Rings theme.
– Delivery: The use of an elven accent.
– Parody: Humour is a great tool to use to engage students.
– Style: Creating an overall theme through the linguistics.



In the beginning, there was a bag. Forged from love. Was forced to live a life fulfilled with purpose and duty. To carry its contents to and fro a place of work. It’s leather walls bare the scars of a treacherous existence. Spilled coffee and smeared donut glaze only made its skin stronger.

It Carries an unholy collocation of unlikely passengers.  Their leader, a 2021-22 day planner. Voted best seller on amazon. On the surface, its decorative, stylized flowers made it seem like a kind soul, but in essence the darkness in which it contained tormented its owner. Week after week of fully booked days, drained it’s owners of a life outside of work. Ravaged by stained pages, torn edges and bent sticky notes, its days were numbered. The future was grim as it would inevitably be replaced by a new and improved planner, perhaps another one of amazon’s best sellers for the upcoming year.

In contrast to its paper counterpart, stands a shiny new piece of technology. It was created to withstand the torment of a high school digital art teacher, but a cruel and twisted joke was played on this digital entity. When being created, it was only given 121GB of storage. Barely enough to support and save even the most basic of media design software, let alone a few video files. Just a shell of what it could have been.

Next is a pair of orphan notebooks. Left by their parents on the hallway floors of an academic institution. Once forgotten, now found and reclaimed by a new owner to be used for second rate note taking and to-do lists which are never fully accomplished. With the completion of one task, many more seem to just appear st the bottom of the list, an endless cycle.

Yet another outdated agenda, that is now obsolete. Filled with dates that are now past. A capsule, containing a history of better times.

A cluster of random items, which have slipped through the cracks of society and fallen to the bottom… of the bag. If not for this task, they would have most likely been left buried in the dark nether regions for eternity.

And Finally, a set of pages torn from the infamous health and safety section of the dreaded teacher handbook. Its scriptures are said to bring forth an evil swarm of spam emails if recited 3 times in front of a mirror at midnight during the blood red moon.