Task 09: Network Assignment

Task 9: Network Assignment Using Golden Record Curation Quiz Data

Above: Golden Record Curation Quiz Data (Group B).

I thoroughly appreciated learning about the many terminologies used to describe web structures and algorithms in section 9.1. Prior to learning this new vocabulary, I would have not known where to start in analyzing and reflecting on our Palladio graph. I mean, I’ve been called a node before, but definitely not in the context of networking theory.

When first viewing the results of our Golden Record Curation Quiz data in graph form, It was interesting to see which songs were the most popular choices. I wasn’t surprised to see certain tracks positioned in the center of the web. I anticipated more popular tracks such as Chuck Berry’s Johnny B. Goode and Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony would likely be selected by my peers. I also think that Bach’s Concerto No.2 may have had increased popularity due to it being the first track on the playlist. 

Above: Group B, Community 4 Data.

When viewing the community of viewers I am a part of (Community 4), I question the reasons for our similar responses. Were their choices based on their favourite songs from the list, or perhaps they chose songs which best suited the idea of creating a soundtrack that best represents human existence, many questions are left unknown, maybe we have similar personalities. Perhaps I will follow up with one of my community members task 8 activity through the linking assignment, to better understand the reasoning behind their choices. I did find it curious that the final 2 songs I selected, were the 2 tracks that no one else in my community had chosen.

I think more qualitative data is required to fully understand the reasoning behind the viewers selections. As explained in my Task 8 reflection, my selections were both “universal and personal”, I can only imagine, due to the similar selections of my community members, that they had a similar approach to this assignment.  In regard to the political implications, I believe bias may have been unintentionally created through the songs order in the list and popularity/familiarity. As for the “null” choices, it would be difficult to interpret the reasons for their omission. Perhaps a ranking system would have better clarified the viewers motives.