Dollars and Sense

Is money tight? Looking to buy a new laptop? Trying to pay back some student loans? Here are a few tips to keep you out of the red and feeling confident about your finances:

  • Track your money. Buy things with cash so that you can see how much money things are costing you.
  • You’re a student- take advantage of every student discount you can find!
  • Treat credit carefully! Set a realistic credit limit so you can’t get in over your head. Be wary of high interest rates.
  • Set a budget after determining how much money you’ll have each month and commit to it. This will help keep your purchases in line.
  • Put away some money for emergencies.  Add a just little bit each month to an account and you’ll hardly notice but it is money that is now tucked away in case you ever need it.
  • Be aware of due dates! If you’re strapped for cash, the last thing you want is to be paying extra for late fees.  Mark things in a calendar or set up automatic payments so that you never miss a date.

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