Get Physical

It’s the beginning of October. You’ve had time to settle in, make friends, party, maybe even studied a little bit. Now that you’ve figured out the basics like laundry, the kitchen, and the magical land of the Village, it’s time to settle into the groove of school and social life. Suddenly, a thought occurs to you: the most exercise you’ve had all semester is lugging your boxes from the car to your room on move in day! Your friends have all joined teams or are taking classes, but you’re broke and can’t fork out that much cash. Don’t fret! There are plenty of free or inexpensive ways to stay active around campus.

1. SRC Re)(ercise

Cost: FREE!

What: Do you get bored if you do the same old thing every single week? Well, the Health Promotion staff at UBC REC certainly do. They’ve incorporated variety into this weekly sweat session by picking a new route, location, and/or activity every week! Drop by for anything from dodgeball or fun runs to the Wreck Beach stairs or noon swims.

When: Every Thursday at 12:30pm. Check the HP Re)(ercise facebook event for details.

2. UBC Aquatic Center

Cost: FREE!

What: Want to get in some exercise, but have no idea what to do? Head over to the UBC Aquatic Center! You can choose to go for a swim, hit the gym, do some yoga, or simply soak in the hot tub or sweat in the sauna. Make use of this incredibly underused facility! The gym is particularly notorious for it’s quiet, “aged” atmosphere, so if you’re too intimidated to go to the Birdcoop check out this gem.

When: Check for schedules

3. Nitobe Garden and UBC Botanical Gardens

Cost: FREE!

What: Gather a couple of friends and go for a walk in one of these two beautiful parks. Nitobe Memorial Garden is located just north of Vanier near the Asian Center, and the UBC Botanical Garden is on Marine Drive near 16th Avenue, just down the road from Save On. If you’re feeling particularly friendly, chat with the staff at either garden, they have tons of knowledge that they’d love to share! If the “formal” gardens seem too far away, you could always settle for Pacific Spirit Park (the trees that are all around us!)

When: Check out for hours and directions.

4. The Birdcoop (Gym)

Cost: $25/semester

What: Newer, cleaner, busier, and full of good looking guys and gals, the Birdcoop is the next step up from the free gym in the basement of the Aquatic Center. Whether you’re into working out more seriously or watching other people work out seriously, this is an excellent place to hang out.

When: For schedules, head to

5. Moksha Yoga

Cost: Minimum $5 donation (Most classes cost $20, but they have an excellent Karma class on Friday nights for poor students)

What: Want to sweat in an incredibly hot room while contorting your body into impossible positions? Then Moksha Yoga in Jericho Village on 4th Ave is for you!

When: Friday nights from 8-9:15pm. Make sure to arrive early, the class often fills up.

6. UBC Yoga Club

Cost: $10 membership, plus $2/class

What: Did you try hot yoga at Moksha? Want to start practicing yoga more often in a much cooler environment (literally)? Try some classes with the UBC Yoga Club. It’s a great way to stretch, strengthen and destress.

When: Check out for class schedules.


Peter Harrington, Fraser Hall

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