How to Procrastinate Like a Pro

1: Procrastinate guilt-free
We all do it. And at this point you’re probably already procrastinating by reading this article. Sometimes you have to accept that you’re not perfect, and then find ways to make the best of your habits.

2: Procrastinate 110%

Ever procrastinate during some important assignment – and all you can talk or think about is the stuff you’re not doing?
Just do it. Put in 110% of yourself into whatever it is you are doing, whether you’re watching TV, browsing the web or out hanging with your friends. Do it and enjoy it to its utmost potential, and then get back to your important stuff.

3: Decide to procrastinate

Avoid procrastination sneaking up on you. Ever find that you’re doing something other than what you should be?  Instead decide to consciously to not work on your task. As opposed to fighting it, confirm to yourself, “I will now procrastinate”. This way you’re in command and know when to stop.

4: Ask yourself –why do you procrastinate?

There can be many good reasons to procrastinate:

·        Procrastination refuels and gives you new energy

·        There’s something else you should be doing instead and “procrastinating” gets it done

When you discover yourself procrastinating, ask yourself why. Don’t just accept the traditional answer: “I’m lazy.”

5: Take responsibility for procrastinating

When you decide to procrastinate, remember to update your deadlines and commitments. Let group members know, that your project will not be finished on time and give them a new deadline.

Procrastinate now. I dare you!

Procrastination is not the root of all evil. It can be beneficial and a way to have more fun with what you’re working on, if you do it like a pro.

-Cathy Sze, Residence Advisor

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