Education Evolution

We all have those teachers that we just can’t stand to listen to and those classes we dread sitting in for hours… The ones that make us want to skip class, change our major, or even give up on school altogether. Well have no fear; there is an education revolution coming! My discovery this past week was a wonderful thing that I am sure will change the world: online teaching from some of the top schools and professors in the world. There are a couple of sites that I have discovered that are offering lectures and practice to students all around the world in a variety of subjects, and the best part… it’s completely FREE!

The first site, and my personal favourite, is Coursera. This site offers classes taught by professors from schools all over North America (including our very own UBC!) and has lectures in a wide variety of subjects, from computer science to sustainability.  You can sign up for a course which takes place over a few months. You will be able to learn at your own pace from some of the greatest professors in the world, test your knowledge, and reinforce what you have learned through interactive activities.  I highly recommend checking out this site if you are looking to expand your knowledge or improve your skills in a class you may currently be taking. The website for Coursea is:

The second site is Khan Academy. This site is not as interactive as Coursera, but still offers online lectures in a variety of subjects. I recommend this site if you are looking for help in a subject you are already taking as I found it more useful for explaining a topic I had already heard about rather than teaching me something completely new.  You listen to a professor and see drawings and diagrams on the screen as he/she is talking. The website for Khan Academy is:

I highly recommend browsing through these sites and trying them out! These sites are fantastic resources to enhance your learning, and remember… knowledge is power!