I don’t know about you, but I feel like I have just realized that second term has actually started. Even though it’s been three weeks already, something about classes starting so early just messed with my head. Now that we’re out of “Christmas mode” and back into “school mode”, it can be a great time to re-evaluate how things are going with your roommates. Many of you have new roommates this term, so it’s important to discuss your cleaning schedule and roommate agreement again so that everyone’s on the same page. Even if you have the same roommates as last term, this can be a great chance to check in and make sure that everyone’s happy with how things have been going. Here are six tips for rekindling the relationship with your roommates in term two:
- Start a conversation. Ask them how their break went. Actually listen. If you’ve already done this, ask about their classes this term, or what extra-curriculars they are involved in.
- Make a meal together. It can be fun to cook together, and you might learn some new skills too!
- Include new roommates. If you have new roommates this term, make sure they feel welcome in your unit. It can be hard to be the only new person in an established unit, so reach out.
- Make a (new) cleaning schedule. There’s nothing worse that feeling like you’re the only one doing all the cleaning. While you might be able to stand it for now, it will get worse once midterms start. Make a cleaning schedule ahead of time to prevent conflict.
- Revisit your roommate agreement. Take the time to talk about how your roommate agreement went last term, and make revisions if necessary. Even if it went great, it’s a good time to remind everyone what you all agreed to back in September.
- Deal with conflict. Conflict happens, it’s part of living with other people. If something your roommate is doing is driving you crazy, talk to them about it! Be respectful. Give them an opportunity to fix it. Chances are, they may not have even realized it was bothering you.
If you want more information or advice on living with roommates, check out the UBC Housing website (http://www.housing.ubc.ca/after-move-in/living-with-a-roommate) or talk to your Advisor. Good luck!