Keep Sleep From Eluding You:

As university students we are all faced with stress and anxiety. Sometimes this stress keeps us from getting the sleep we need to be productive. Here are some tips aimed at combating insomnia, in order to keep you at your best:

1)      Find a way to relax and calm your body before going to bed. This may include listening to soft audio, having a warm bath, deep breathing, or meditation.

2)      Avoid caffeine, tobacco, and alcohol. These substances cause your body to become stimulated, making it harder for your body to relax and fall asleep.

3)      Add more exercise and activity to your day. Make sure the physical activity is completed a couple of hours before bedtime.  This way your body is able to settle down before you try to get to sleep.

4)      Implement a strict sleep schedule. Don’t deviate from this schedule on weekends or days off work. By having a sleep schedule you will train your body when to go to sleep, and when to be awake.

5)      Move your alarm clock out of sight. As you watch the minutes go by, your stress is going to further arouse your body. This will make it even harder to fall asleep.

6)      Only use your bed to sleep. This will allow your body to realize that the bed is only for sleeping not for watching TV or using your mind in other ways.

7)      Don’t nap. If you nap during the day your less likely to be tired at night and therefore more likely to continue struggling with insomnia.

8)      Avoiding stimulating activities such as watching TV and reading directly before bed. Stimulating activities wake up your mind, therefore, making it harder to fall asleep.

9)      If all else fails see a doctor. It’s possible that a sleep disorder or another problem that requires medical attention is keeping you up at night.

You could also try writing a blog post on insomnia because I’m starting to get really drowsy.

Good luck and Good night!

Cheap Travel Options

Do you like to travel but don’t think you can afford it? Travelling doesn’t have to be expensive there are cheap, free, and grassroots ways of travelling. Many ways of traveling cost next to nothing or you could volunteer without service costs and gain invaluable experience. Here are some sites to get you started: : Allows you stay on people’s couches for free around the world and also allows you to locate and connect with local communities who are open to showing you their city. : This site gives you direct access to volunteer opportunities around the world with no middle man taking your money. The basic premise is you volunteer 25 hours per week and in return you receive free food and shelter. The possibilities are endless!  : It stand for “Willing Workers On Organic Farms” and is a site that connects you with the owners of Organic Farms where in exchange for volunteering you get free housing and free food in any location round the world. : Take a two week course & then teach English abroad & get paid in different locations around the world. :This is a catch-all site which basically lists from A-Z every cheap option for travel.


There is also the option of hostelling which is cheap accommodation and allows you to meet young travels in similar situations as yourself. Be flexible with your travel and don’t forget to have fun!

So go explore the world and don’t let money hold you back!

Stay Fit This Summer

For a lot of people, summer is the chance to capitalize on the food weather and finally reach those long sought after fitness goals. Here are some great year round fitness activities that are even better in the summer!


As most people will tell you, the benefits of running are mostly physical. Running can help you lose weight, burn calories, strengthen muscles, improve your energy levels, lower your heart rate and even increase your life expectancy. However, there are also huge mental benefits as well. For many people, running is a great, healthy way to manage stress and decrease anxiety. It can also be a great way to meet people by joining a running group or running with friends. Some great routes around UBC include the trails in Pacific Spirit Park and the hill/beach combo that runs down to Jericho (save that one for a day when you’ve got a lot of energy: it can be challenging!).


Looking for a way to combine the perfect day at the beach with a little bit of exercise? Bring a yoga mat and a list of poses from the internet (just Google “yoga poses”) and you’re set. Yoga, mostly known for it’s laid-back culture and mental relaxation techniques, also has a wealth of fitness benefits. Vinyasa, Ashatanga and Kundalini yoga are particularly grueling; both help build muscle and increase flexibly through a variety of different poses. Yoga has also been shown to increase your concentration, build your focus, relieve stress and increase your interest in pursuing other healthy activities. Consider joining the UBC Yoga club or a local studio to try your hand at this trendy activity.


While the UBC Aquatic Centre offers free swimming facilities all year round (with your student card), summer is the perfect time to try swimming in more natural environments. Try heading down to the beach and swimming in the ocean,, pay a visit to one of the many local lakes, or try the outdoor pools in Stanley Park and at the Aquatic Centre. Swimming is a great low impact sport that can tone your body and build muscle, all while giving you a great cardio workout. If you’re an early riser, nothing beats a sunrise swim at Wreck or Jericho!

No matter what you choose to do it, keeping fit is an essential part of any University life style. Besides keeping you healthy, physical activity will help you focus and succeed academically as well.  Some other great activities to do around UBC include drop in soccer or other sports at Rec, the Wreck Beach stairs, or even just taking a quick walk around campus. So however you choose to do, go out and take advantage of the summer sun and exercise! You won’t regret it.

Tasty Summer Treats

Here are some ideas for treats that are delicious and easy to make:

1. Lemonade.

You can’t beat a great cup of lemonade on a hot day. How to make perfect lemonade? Its easy. 1 cup of sugar, 1 cup of water and 1 cup of fresh squeezed lemon juice. Also, The powdered kind doesn’t taste too bad either. No matter how you make it, you will be refreshed and happy. Because who isn’t happy while they’re drinking lemonade? It just tastes great.

2. Popsicles

Buy yourself some popsicle makers at any grocery store. Add literally whatever you want. Straight-up Orange Juice popsicles – AMAZING. You can also throw together some yogurt and blended strawberries. Or how about throwing in some gummy bears like the “bug” popsicles we used to love as kids? The opportunities are endless.

3. Cookie sandwich

This one is easy, classy and you can’t beat it. Take two cookies, warm them a little bit in the microwave, and then squeeze some ice cream in between them. DONE. Munch on.

4. Real Iced Tea

Wake up in the morning and make your tea, make extra, have a cup or two, and throw the rest in the fridge with some ice. Voila! Some, like myself, may want to add some sugar. But its up to you really.

5. Frozen Grapes

Literally, like it sounds. Freezing your grapes makes them even more delicious ad sweet! Easy to snack on while you study or work. Plop a couple on a stick and you’ve got yourself a grape popsicle!

I hope you make some of these delicious treats, I’m going to go make some right now.

– Jill Alport – Fairview Residence Advisor