Tasty Summer Treats

Here are some ideas for treats that are delicious and easy to make:

1. Lemonade.

You can’t beat a great cup of lemonade on a hot day. How to make perfect lemonade? Its easy. 1 cup of sugar, 1 cup of water and 1 cup of fresh squeezed lemon juice. Also, The powdered kind doesn’t taste too bad either. No matter how you make it, you will be refreshed and happy. Because who isn’t happy while they’re drinking lemonade? It just tastes great.

2. Popsicles

Buy yourself some popsicle makers at any grocery store. Add literally whatever you want. Straight-up Orange Juice popsicles – AMAZING. You can also throw together some yogurt and blended strawberries. Or how about throwing in some gummy bears like the “bug” popsicles we used to love as kids? The opportunities are endless.

3. Cookie sandwich

This one is easy, classy and you can’t beat it. Take two cookies, warm them a little bit in the microwave, and then squeeze some ice cream in between them. DONE. Munch on.

4. Real Iced Tea

Wake up in the morning and make your tea, make extra, have a cup or two, and throw the rest in the fridge with some ice. Voila! Some, like myself, may want to add some sugar. But its up to you really.

5. Frozen Grapes

Literally, like it sounds. Freezing your grapes makes them even more delicious ad sweet! Easy to snack on while you study or work. Plop a couple on a stick and you’ve got yourself a grape popsicle!

I hope you make some of these delicious treats, I’m going to go make some right now.

– Jill Alport – Fairview Residence Advisor