Stay Fit This Summer

For a lot of people, summer is the chance to capitalize on the food weather and finally reach those long sought after fitness goals. Here are some great year round fitness activities that are even better in the summer!


As most people will tell you, the benefits of running are mostly physical. Running can help you lose weight, burn calories, strengthen muscles, improve your energy levels, lower your heart rate and even increase your life expectancy. However, there are also huge mental benefits as well. For many people, running is a great, healthy way to manage stress and decrease anxiety. It can also be a great way to meet people by joining a running group or running with friends. Some great routes around UBC include the trails in Pacific Spirit Park and the hill/beach combo that runs down to Jericho (save that one for a day when you’ve got a lot of energy: it can be challenging!).


Looking for a way to combine the perfect day at the beach with a little bit of exercise? Bring a yoga mat and a list of poses from the internet (just Google “yoga poses”) and you’re set. Yoga, mostly known for it’s laid-back culture and mental relaxation techniques, also has a wealth of fitness benefits. Vinyasa, Ashatanga and Kundalini yoga are particularly grueling; both help build muscle and increase flexibly through a variety of different poses. Yoga has also been shown to increase your concentration, build your focus, relieve stress and increase your interest in pursuing other healthy activities. Consider joining the UBC Yoga club or a local studio to try your hand at this trendy activity.


While the UBC Aquatic Centre offers free swimming facilities all year round (with your student card), summer is the perfect time to try swimming in more natural environments. Try heading down to the beach and swimming in the ocean,, pay a visit to one of the many local lakes, or try the outdoor pools in Stanley Park and at the Aquatic Centre. Swimming is a great low impact sport that can tone your body and build muscle, all while giving you a great cardio workout. If you’re an early riser, nothing beats a sunrise swim at Wreck or Jericho!

No matter what you choose to do it, keeping fit is an essential part of any University life style. Besides keeping you healthy, physical activity will help you focus and succeed academically as well.  Some other great activities to do around UBC include drop in soccer or other sports at Rec, the Wreck Beach stairs, or even just taking a quick walk around campus. So however you choose to do, go out and take advantage of the summer sun and exercise! You won’t regret it.