Cheap Travel Options

Do you like to travel but don’t think you can afford it? Travelling doesn’t have to be expensive there are cheap, free, and grassroots ways of travelling. Many ways of traveling cost next to nothing or you could volunteer without service costs and gain invaluable experience. Here are some sites to get you started: : Allows you stay on people’s couches for free around the world and also allows you to locate and connect with local communities who are open to showing you their city. : This site gives you direct access to volunteer opportunities around the world with no middle man taking your money. The basic premise is you volunteer 25 hours per week and in return you receive free food and shelter. The possibilities are endless!  : It stand for “Willing Workers On Organic Farms” and is a site that connects you with the owners of Organic Farms where in exchange for volunteering you get free housing and free food in any location round the world. : Take a two week course & then teach English abroad & get paid in different locations around the world. :This is a catch-all site which basically lists from A-Z every cheap option for travel.


There is also the option of hostelling which is cheap accommodation and allows you to meet young travels in similar situations as yourself. Be flexible with your travel and don’t forget to have fun!

So go explore the world and don’t let money hold you back!