Electrical Shutdown Reminder

As you may have seen we are in the final planning stages for an electrical shutdown that will occur on June 14, 2014 from 8am – 6pm.

During the shutdown the following will be impacted:

– Hot water will not be available; however cold water and toilet operation will not be affected.

– Elevators will not be operational.

– Wifi will not be operational in your block.

– Life safety systems will be operational.

– Laundry machines will not be operational.

This shutdown is necessary for cleaning of the high voltage transformers which feed our grid throughout Fairview Crescent and Thunderbird Residence 1000 and 2000 Block and the full day is needed as the transformers need to cool for the work to occur safely.  Many residents inquired why the shutdown is occurring on a Saturday – the reason for this is that this shutdown affects many childcare centres, academic buildings, sports facilities, recreational venues as well as the residences.
Reminder that barbeques and camping stoves may not be used indoors and if you are planning on lighting candles during this time, to please attend to them.

Please ensure that you are prepared by:

– powering down sensitive appliances (i.e.: computers) before the electrical shut-down begins;

– planning your day to avoid the inconvenience of accessing your room/unit without working elevators;

– reviewing the perishable food storage suggestions below.

Perishable food storage suggestions:

– Use up foods prior to power outage.

– Consider freezing remaining perishable items.

– Place ice (you have previously made) in a leak proof container in your fridge the morning of the power outage.

– Refrain from opening the fridge or freezer doors during the power outage.

Frozen food and refrigeration during a power outage (Canadian Food Inspection Agency):

– A freezer should keep food frozen for about 24 hours during a power failure if the freezer is kept closed.

– A refrigerator will keep food cool for four to six hours. Put ice, if available, in the refrigerator, an ice box or cooler to help keep perishable foods temporarily chilled.

– Food that still contains ice crystals or feels refrigerator-cold can be re-frozen. If raw food has leaked during thawing, clean and disinfect the areas the food has touched. Do not reuse wash cloths until they have been cleaned and disinfected.

– Discard thawed food that has remained at room temperature for two or more hours and any food that has an obvious strange colour or odour. Remember that food contaminated with bacteria does not necessarily smell or appear spoiled. When in doubt, throw it out.

– For more information visit: http://www.inspection.gc.ca/english/fssa/concen/tipcon/emurge.shtml

Composting in Residence

by Cathy Wang

What If I’m Not Interested Composting?

That’s fine; you can still help by not throw garbage into the composting bins. Garbage such as plastic bags, juice boxes, or glass contaminates the compost and the entire bin will be thrown in the garbage instead. Place unsorted waste in the large metal garbage bins outside each block.

What Can I Compost?

  • cooked food waste
  • meat and bones
  • dairy products
  • grains, bread, pasta
  • paper towels and napkins
  • paper cups and plates
  • raw fruit and vegetable scraps
  • coffee grounds and filters
  • tea bags
  • egg shells
  • juice boxes
  • milk cartons
  • plastic bags
  • plastic cutlery
  • styrofoam
  • glass
  • wooden chopsticks
  • wood
  • sand
  • metal
  • biosolids

How Do I Compost?

Place all accepted compost into a compost container, and empty it into the green compost bins outside each block. Wash out your container, and repeat. Make sure not to put any plastics, wood, or any of the items which are not accepted into the compost bin. Congratulations, you’re a proud composter!

What is Compost?

Compost is organic waste that can be turned into nutrient-rich, soil-like material by worms and/ or other organisms. Compost is extremely useful for making land more fertile and preventing moisture loss.

Why Should I Compost?

Composting reduces the amount of waste sent to landfills, decreases the harmful emissions from landfills, and makes for a more sustainable future for all of us on this planet!

For more information about composting at UBC, visit: http://www.buildingoperations.ubc.ca/municipal/waste-management/composting/