The SASC presents Got Consent? Week!

Consent Week will take place throughout the week of October 6th-10th2014. Join The SASC every day at the SUB South Side Lounge (by Starbucks and the Cafeteria) from 11am-3pm to chat about consent with our enthusiastic Outreach team, purchase Got Consent? Clothing, contribute to our community mural on consent, and watch our new Got Consent? video!


Other events include:


– Got Consent? workshop on Wednesday, October 8 from 11-1:30, email to register.

Mike Domitrz presents an engaging  discussion titled “Can I kiss You? on October 7th, 2014 at 7pm Totem Park Ballroom.

– Get in Bed with Hillel event on Monday October 6th at 5.30pm-7pm in the Hillel House lounge.

Sort it Out UBC

Garbage, recycling and composting in Vancouver, sort it out!

Our daily consumption and habits produce lots of garbage and since we are a big community, you can imagine the amount of debris we dispose of. However, did you know that you can contribute to reduce this amount by properly sorting out your garbage (garbage/recycling/compost)?

It differs from one country to another, but here are some of Vancouver’s regulations concerning waste disposal.


On campus, you will most likely have two different bins; one for paper products and one for plastic, cans or glass products. Here are some items which fit these categories:

Paper products: paper, paper containers (e.g. pizza box), cardboards, paper cups, newspaper, toilet paper rolls, eggs carton, etc.

Plastic, cans or glass products: Milk container, soda cans, Pringles’ container, coffee cups and lids, ice cream container, aluminum container, cans, glass container, aerosol cans, light bulbs, etc.

Compost :

If you use a plastic bag to gather your compost, it is important to not put it in the compost too. Instead, you could use newspapers or some compostable nets. Also, you can easily clean and deodorize your compost bin using water and baking soda.

What goes in: cooked food waste, raw fruits, paper towels and napkins, bones, eggshells, dairy products, compostable plates and utensils, coffee grounds, tea bags, hair, etc.


Anything that you couldn’t fit into previous categories will most likely end up here. However, if you have unusual wastes such as electronics or batteries to dispose of, please check UBC’s sustainability website to inquire about the proper ways of disposal of such items.

What goes in: plastic bags, Styrofoam, non-recyclable cutlery, waxed paper, etc.

How to reduce your waste imprint?

-When you go grocery shopping you can buy reusable and washable nets for your vegetables and fruits instead of using plastic bags all the time. Same idea for grocery or any shopping bags, use reusable ones or even your backpack.

-Stop buying plastic bottles and buy a reusable water bottle (why not buy a cute one with a cat on it or a cool one with the UBC logo on it?).

-Plan your meals in advance (make a list) to avoid unnecessary wastes and to save money!

-Reuse old readings prints to take notes and save money!

Finally, do not hesitate to share your advices and tricks with your friends to create a ripple effect which encourage a smart and efficient lifestyle!


You can make a difference

You can make a difference

Get Outdoors This Fall

Although summer may have come to an end, there is still plenty of time left to try some of Vancouver’s best outdoor activities!


1)  Outdoor Net Sports

One of the best ways to enjoy the sunny weather! The outdoor tennis courts and volleyball nets at Kitsilano beach are free for the public to use, so why not take advantage of that?


2)  Hiking

This is a great way to get in touch with nature, get some fresh air, tan, and burn some calories. Try walking the seawall or a trail in Pacific Spirit Park if you’re looking for a more leisurely activity, or the Grouse Grind if you’re looking for a challenge!


3)  Boot Camps or Running Group

If you’re not that into sports, but want to get fit, boot camps and running groups are great options! Boot camps are held both indoors and outdoors, and running groups are always outdoors.


4)  Kayaking and Paddle Boarding

For a fun and easy beach-day activity, try kayaking or paddle boarding! You can rent a kayak or paddle board at Kits beach or English bay and paddle along the coast line. This is a great way to relax and admire Vancouver’s beauty from a different perspective.


5)  Exploring the Stanley Park Seawall

Walk, jog, bike, or even rollerblade around the 10km seawall. You can also explre some of the trails winding through the interior of the park. Try some of the restaurants and visit the Vancouver Aquarium!


Source: vancitybuzz