15 Fun & Unique Activities to Check Out at UBC!

Looking for some new ideas for fun activities and opportunities at UBC? Here are 15 unique and interesting ideas for you to try!

  1. Borrow a DVD, VHS or Blu-Ray  from UBC’s Videomatica collection, which includes more than 28,000 DVDs, 4,000 VHS titles and 900 Blu-Rays, ranging from cult favourites to Hollywood blockbusters and foreign films.http://collections.library.ubc.ca/featured-collections/videomatica/
  2. The Asian Library also includes a variety of DVDs from Southeast Asia, India, East Asia and more, which you can borrow for free with a UBC Student Card http://asian.library.ubc.ca/
  3. Watch a film at UBC’s very own movie theatre, The Norm http://theatrefilm.ubc.ca/events/venues/the-norm-theatre-student-union-building-sub/
  4. If you’re a grad student, consider participating in/attending UBC FIREtalks, an interdisciplinary discussion forum run by grad students for grad students . http://koerner.library.ubc.ca/services/research-commons/fire-talks/
  5. Attend a performance by one of UBC’s many student clubs (i.e. UBC Improv – http://www.ubcimprov.com/, UBC Dance Horizons -https://www.facebook.com/ubcdancehorizons)
  6. Visit the renowned Beatty Biodiversity Museum – http://www.beatymuseum.ubc.ca/
  7. Check out a theatre production by the UBC Department of Theatre and Film. Many of the events are free/by donation! http://theatrefilm.ubc.ca/events/main-stage-season
  8. Attend a concert at UBC. Many of the concerts hosted by the UBC School of Music are free! http://music.ubc.ca/ubc-events/ (See also  – Chan Centre http://www.chancentre.com/whats-on/listing)
  9. Take part in one of the many international opportunities available at UBC http://students.ubc.ca/career/international-experiences
  10. Eat at one of the many student run cafes at UBC for affordable, healthy, organic and local food (UBC Agora Eats Café https://www.facebook.com/pages/Agora-Eats-Caf%C3%A9/106452322733112; UBC Seedlings – http://www.ubcsprouts.ca/initiatives/seedlings/; and UBC Sprouts – http://www.ubcsprouts.ca/sprouts/
  11. Learn yoga at UBC at an affordable price! With the purchase of a $10 membership, UBC Yoga Club members can attend classes at the low rate of $2 per class! http://www.ubcyogaclub.com/ Hillel House at UBC also offers yoga lessons at very affordable prices – http://www.hillelbc.com/
  12. Try out a new sport or dance class during UBC REC Open House, which usually takes place sometime during the 2nd or 3rd week of January – http://www.recreation.ubc.ca/
  13. Take part in a sports team or sports event! http://www.recreation.ubc.ca/intramurals On January 28th, UBC REC will also be hosting the Versus 2015 Mario Battle! http://www.recreation.ubc.ca/intramurals/events/versus/
  14. Participate in or attend UBC Suite Style Musical! https://www.facebook.com/groups/103592103136585/
  15. Spend an afternoon exploring UBC Wesbrook Village. Take part in a yoga class at Hot Box Yoga, attend a free film screening at the Wesbrook Welcome Centre, and eat frozen yogurt and Taiwanese noodles. http://www.wesbrookvillage.com/. Visit Pacific Spirit Park, located right next to Wesbrook Village http://www.metrovancouver.org/services/parks_lscr/regionalparks/Pages/PacificSpirit.aspx