Staying Focussed for Exams

Exams are coming up before you know it! Here are some tips of how to avoid major time wasters to help keep you on track, instead of sidetracked.

  • The TV: Don’t just sit down and watch whatever’s on.  Instead, choose shows specifically so you can schedule them around your work.  If you really need to surf, give yourself a time limit!
  • Video Games: Some people can play video games for hours and hours every day.  Try using it as a reward for getting work done instead: “When I finish my readings I can play COD.”
  • The Internet: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, email, news sites… All of these are constantly updating, meaning you have an endless supply of new distractions. Limit yourself to certain sites as well as how long you’ll use them each day.  Some people even deactivate certain accounts during exam time to help them focus!

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