Important things to talk about with your roomies!

by Johana Webber, Residence Life Manager

Getting to know one another in the unit:

  • Where are you from?
  • What is your family like?
  • What is your major? What led you to choose that? What is your schedule like?
  • What else are you involved in?
  • Is this your first time living in residence, or have you lived elsewhere?
  • Do you have household items you’d like to share with the unit?

Setting common expectations for all unit members:

  • How will we rotate household chores?
  • How will we define clean?
  • How do we feel about common space inside the unit – how can it be used?
  • What about storing personal items in common areas? Is anything off limits?
  • What about noise – how loud is too loud?
  • How do we feel about parties in the unit?
  • Can we commit to locking doors?

Study habits:

  • What time do you study?
  • When and for how long do you usually study?


  • Is it ok to drink alcohol in our unit?


  • What items are you comfortable sharing?  What would you prefer not to be borrowed or used?
  • What costs will we share?  Do you prefer to be asked before someone borrows something?


  • How do you feel about having overnight guests?  How long is it OK for a guest to stay?

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