What is a Residence Advisor?

Residence Advisors student staff that work to ensure a safe residence community suitable to positive living and learning conditions. Here are just some of the ways that Residence Advisors are here to support you:

  •    Answer questions about Rez, UBC, Vancouver and to provide you with information about campus life and services;
  •    Plan activities and programs that are offered in residence;
  •    Help ‘keep the peace’ in the residence community;
  •    Are available to offer a listening ear;
  •    Address issues in residence that may be bothering you such as loud noises, safety concerns, roommate conflicts; and
  •       So much more!

Overall, Advisors work to ensure that residence can be a constructive living and learning community for all residents.

2 thoughts on “What is a Residence Advisor?

  1. Hi there,

    I have been living in Thunderbird Residence for 8 months. I would like to apply for Residence Advisor position. Please let me know the procedure. Thanks.



    • Hi Tarek: Applications will open for the RA position again in mid-December 2012 for a start date of Sept 2013. Unfortunately, all positions are filled for the upcoming semester. Please check http://www.housing.ubc.ca for more information then. Johanna WEBBER

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