Exams and Nutrition!

It is that time of the year again: it is the time of spending 24 hours a day studying for your back-to-back exams. You’ve made it so far and it’s just the last little effort before you can be set free for the winter break. Focusing so much on studying, we tend to let good nutrition slide down our priority list. So here are some tips for nourishing your body and boosting your energy to make it through the exams.

Choose brain enhancing over brain blocking foods!

Protein-rich foods lead to longer energy and mental awareness. These foods will keep your energy up during your long exams! Some examples include eggs, fish and nuts.

Stay away from foods that are high in refined sugar or white flour, such as chocolate, candies, white bread and pasta, cookies, and muffins. Instead choose mostly whole grain-based carbohydrates, as the high fibre content in these carbohydrates help keep you full longer. Some whole grains include whole wheat, brown rice and quinoa.

Prepare these quick snacks/meals to pack with you:

  • Fruits and vegetables: apples, bananas, oranges are easy to grab and go. They’re rich in vitamin C, potassium, fiber and B vitamins.
  • Enjoy your vegetables with your favorite dip or, even better, have them with hummus for added protein. You can also have apples with peanut butter; it tastes great and gives you energy to carry on studying.
  • Head to the grocery store in the bulk section and select your favorite nuts like almonds, walnuts, and cashews. Add some dried fruits like cranberries, raisins and apricots. They’re great to munch on while studying.
  • Grab some granola and add them to your yogurt. They have lots of protein and are energy boosting.

Boost your brain with water and reduce caffeine consumption:

Drink enough water before and during your exam. Your body consists of 60% water, so by drinking water, you will replenish your body fluids, which will give you more energy. Add lime, lemon or cucumber wedges to your water for some enhanced flavor.

So what about coffee? After studying all day, it’s easy to over-consume caffeine to keep yourself awake! The effect of caffeine varies from person to person. Caffeine could have positive effects, such as increased concentration and alertness. However, in some individuals caffeine can cause disturbance of sleep, headaches, and nervousness. High caffeine intake has been shown to be associated with slight decline in calcium balance.

Finally, get enough sleep! It’s easy to get into the habit of studying late and cramming all night. Having a good sleep the night before the exam gives you enough energy to carry on with your exam. To be functional during exams, you need both healthy nutrition and adequate sleep!

Take those tips with you and start packing your day-long snacks and meals and start studying to ace those exams!


Ghazal Haghnegahdar

3rd Year Dietetics

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