Want to have a Party or Social Gathering?

Parties are permitted in residence on Friday and Saturday nights (or dinner parties Sunday -Thursday).  A maximum of 25 people are allowed in the unit per party and three parties can be registered an evening.  To register a party, see the Senior Advisor  72 hours prior to your party.

Your Senior Advisor lives in: 3135 Thunderbird
Unregistered parties are a violation of the standards contract, and will be documented.

What is a Residence Advisor?

Residence Advisors student staff that work to ensure a safe residence community suitable to positive living and learning conditions. Here are just some of the ways that Residence Advisors are here to support you:

  •    Answer questions about Rez, UBC, Vancouver and to provide you with information about campus life and services;
  •    Plan activities and programs that are offered in residence;
  •    Help ‘keep the peace’ in the residence community;
  •    Are available to offer a listening ear;
  •    Address issues in residence that may be bothering you such as loud noises, safety concerns, roommate conflicts; and
  •       So much more!

Overall, Advisors work to ensure that residence can be a constructive living and learning community for all residents.

Composting in Thunderbird

Top 3 Composting Myths Busted:

  1.  Yes, you can compost meat, bones, dairy and cooked food here at UBC. Our In-Vessel composter can break down a lot more than a traditional backyard composter that you may have at home.
  2.  Chopsticks and cutlery are NOT compostable, but some takeout containers are – check!
  3.  If you take out your compost bin and clean it frequently, you won’t have to worry about smells or fruit flies forming. Continue reading

Important things to talk about with your roomies!

by Johana Webber, Residence Life Manager

Getting to know one another in the unit:

  • Where are you from?
  • What is your family like?
  • What is your major? What led you to choose that? What is your schedule like?
  • What else are you involved in?
  • Is this your first time living in residence, or have you lived elsewhere?
  • Do you have household items you’d like to share with the unit?

Setting common expectations for all unit members:

  • How will we rotate household chores?
  • How will we define clean?
  • How do we feel about common space inside the unit – how can it be used?
  • What about storing personal items in common areas? Is anything off limits?
  • What about noise – how loud is too loud?
  • How do we feel about parties in the unit?
  • Can we commit to locking doors?

Study habits:

  • What time do you study?
  • When and for how long do you usually study?


  • Is it ok to drink alcohol in our unit?


  • What items are you comfortable sharing?  What would you prefer not to be borrowed or used?
  • What costs will we share?  Do you prefer to be asked before someone borrows something?


  • How do you feel about having overnight guests?  How long is it OK for a guest to stay?