Twitter Vs. Facebook: An Endless Race


Twitter Partners with the NFL

Twitter and Facebook have continuously been striving to advance one another. However, Facebook (with 82% of users that are active compared to Twitter’s 62%, according to social media today) has steadily taken the lead. Despite these pressing statistics, Twitter has been working diligently to amplify its services to appeal to more users, more frequently. A recent Canadian Business article details the company’s latest features that are believed to attract more traffic to the site: a new emergency messaging system that notifies users with critical health and safety warnings and regular NFL game highlights, info, and analysis based on the new partnership between the two companies. These new utilities are suspected to attract millions more to sign on with twitter.

Facebook Researches Further into Artificial Intelligence

Conversely, Facebook is taking another approach to grow their business. Rather than attract more users, they’re goal is to absorb more information out of individual’s interactions with Facebook to enhance the company’s ad targeting. “Facebook’s piles of data on people’s lives could allow it to push the boundaries of what can be done,” says the Technology Review. Although, the advancements of these companies are somewhat incomparable, it is obvious that regardless of which social media company you are, if you’re not growing, you’re dying.


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