Pinterest: The Marketing Strategy of the Future

Oh, How Pinteresting! Blog

“Pinterest is a sight for collecting and organizing the things you love,” says the Pinterest sight itself. Many users “pin” pictures to this virtual pin board as inspiration for events, fashion, recipes and more. Since the website’s launch in 2010, it has become the fastest growing sight to reach 10 million visitors and, as of July 2013, it surpassed 70 million users worldwide. For businesses, this database could be a gold mine for new marketing strategies.

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Pinterest introduced a tool called “Rich Pins,” which allows retailers to provide extra information about their pins, such as price and size of their product, the site recently introduced another business marketing enticement: promoted pins. Pinterest vows to keep promotions relevant to users’ wants: “These pins should be about stuff you’re actually interested in, like a delicious recipe, or a jacket that’s your style,” states Ben Silbermann, CEO and Co-Founder of Pinterest. Automatically corresponding pinners tastes with companies’ promoted pins will add tremendous value to both businesses and users. Pinterest could be the connection between target markets and advertisements that firms have been searching for. Now the question is: will Pinterest be the online marketing strategy of the future?




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