Phones: Affecting the Way Businesses do Business

For many people today, phones have become less of a convenient form of communication and more like a third hand. With the busy lives of consumers today, people feel the need to spend every free second doing something. Whether it be tweeting your random thought, beating the next level in Angry birds, or facebooking an old friend a simple, “I miss you,” anyone can do it all, at any time. This new “mobile moments” craze has left a wide open market for businesses. With the increase of marketing on mobile accessible apps such as Twitter, Facebook, games and more, it is evident that business’ need to further their mark in technology in order to stay competitive.

Starbuck’s App

Starbuck’s app alone, in October 2013, made 11% of the company’s total sales. This sends the message to its rivals, such as Tim Horton’s, that they need innovate their technology to get ahead. Although Tim Horton’s does have its “Timmy Me” app, without its ability to make purchases, it has already fallen behind. “We need to embrace technology to leverage our scale and reach and further enhance the experience of our guests,” says Timmy’s chief executive, Marc Caira. Thus, it is clear that, in order to stay in the game, business’ need to stop accommodating consumers today, and start pleasing the consumers of tomorrow.


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