Starbucks: Inspiring Loyal Consumers

Click to view Starbuck’s blog

Starbucks is not just a coffee shop; not only does the company provide individuals their morning pick-me-up, a warm place to meet up with a friend, and a delicious place to indulge one’s sweet tooth, Starbuck’s uplifts all individuals that gets a taste of what it has to offer. Starbucks’ mission statement describes the impression that it leaves on its consumers perfectly: “Our mission is to inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time.” By staying true to this mission statement, Starbucks’ consistently supplies cups of joy to 10,465,000 fulfilled consumers each day1.  Starbucks’ cheerfulness, generosity, and kindness have created an uplifting culture that inspires happiness among consumers, through its many functions and especially in its warm customer relations. This culture is evident in the joyfulness of the baristas, the tunes that sing happily in each shop, and most especially in the way that each consumer is handled with care.

Inspiration From A Starbucks Coffee Cup

In Peony Au’s blog post, “A Refreshing Company Culture: Starbucks,” Peony reflects a time that she was supplied with a complimentary drink because of the long wait she had endured.This is only one of the small ways that Starbucks goes above and beyond to supply customer satisfaction. As a result of Starbuck’s impeccable service and amazing positive culture, Starbucks has created innumerable loyal consumers that leave the shop with a satisfied tummy, a full smile, and soul filled with inspiration.

Source 1:

Checkout Peony Au’s Blog for more of her intriguing business insights:



Lululemon’s Culture: The Pursuit of Greatness

Checkout the ideologies behind Lulu’s manifesto

Lululemon’s vision of “elevating the world from mediocrity to greatness” has created a strong foundation for the company’s organizational culture, which is artfully displayed to its consumers through a series of inspirational quotes also known as the company’s manifesto. Yet, Lululemon values more than just the significance of the company’s culture on consumers. The founder of the business, Chip Wilson stated, “The beauty of our cultures lies not just in what it brings to our company, but in what it brings to lives of the individuals who work at Lululemon.” Lululemon’s organizational culture differentiates from the typical business because of its value in encouraging employees’ self-development, which successively aligns its staff to its organizational culture.

Most organizations develop employees from the outside in (the way they dress, how they interact with customers and the like), while Lululemon develops its employees from the inside out. Employees’ initiation includes setting their vision and goals, and throughout their employment they are encouraged to achieve these goals, help others achieve theirs, listen to self-development tapes, attend workshops, and more. “It shows up in the work your people ask you to do, because they’re enrolled in their goals,” said Erin Hochstein, who does the company’s communications. Thus, self-fulfilled employees are happy employees, which equates to happy consumers. As a result, what may seem like an expensive $98 pair of pants, the true value is in the positive effects of Lululemon’s pursuit of greatness culture.

Check out the Lululemon employee review at:

Also, take “A rare look behind the luon curtain at Lululemon”