Microsoft take over Nokia

Microsoft swallows Nokia’s phone business for $7.2 billion. For last 15 years, Nokia has been reselling the same product with minor upgrades. Compare with Apple and Samsung, Nokia seems has been no fundamental breakthrough in the field of Smartphone. From my point of view, Microsoft’s acquisition is a good thing for Nokia. For Nokia, after the acquisition by Microsoft, they will concentrate on launch products by using WP system rather than “memorial” their glorious era of feature phone. Furthermore, it is not necessary for Microsoft to launch their own brand mobile phones and they will give Nokia strong hardware, software and financial support to help Nokia make better Smartphone. On the one hand, Microsoft will provide Nokia the market development funds needed, and more importantly, Nokia’s join will make the hardware-based Microsoft more competitive. However, Windows Phone do have some defects, such as search limit.
Overall, It is an opportunity for both Microsoft and Nokia. They both have their own strengths and their cooperation could possibly improve the weakness for both Microsoft and Nokia.

Why there is a shortage of iPhone 5S (Gold color)

iPhone 5S come out with three different colors: Gold, sliver and black. Surprisingly, the demand for gold iPhone 5S exceeds the supply. Customers can walk into any Apple store buy silver or black iPhone 5S easily but not golden one. Many people like gold color, especially customers in Asian. This reflects that Apple is meeting the taste of Asian in order increase the profit. From my point of view, one of the reasons for the shortage of golden iPhone is that Apple may not have enough raw materials (anodized aluminum). Furthermore, such a shortage could be caused by the wrong predictions made by the apple headquarters. Another reason could be that Apple tries to control the number of the golden iPhone 5S in order to create more positive publicity, which is more effective than any other advertisements.
However, the cost of the raw materials (anodized aluminum) actually decreased during the year in which Apple began planning for its golden iPhone supply, therefore, Apple should get access to the raw materials easily. As a result, the shortage of the golden iPhone 5S might be caused by different reasons.


Twitter wants to raise $1bn in its stock market debut.It made a loss of $69m in the first six months of 2013, on revenues of $254m. Raising $1bn could help the twitter to improve the way how the advertiser connects with users, because most of the revenue comes from the ad sales (around 85% of the total revenue). Users could be pleased with such improvements. As a result, it might increase the sales from the advertisements again, since improvements could attract more people than before. Furthermore, the rest of the Twitter’s revenue came from licensing its data. Money raised could be invested to develop the technology to extract data. If a large amount of data is collected, it could be required by certain companies which need a vast database to make predictions. Twitter may have more than 218 million monthly users. Such an advantage will enrich the database for Twitter, therefore if the information is used reasonably. It then could boost the revenue for Twitter. The difficult situation faced by the Twitter might be improved.