Make the market more “energetic”

It is a big change for China transit to a more free-market consumer economy with fewer social controls. The Chinese government has decided that those the price can be determined by the market itself, the government will not interference the market. For example, the government has decided that promote water, oil, gas, electricity, transportation, telecommunications and other areas of price reform; open the price competition in this areas. Open the financial sector to the outside and allow the qualified private small and medium sized banks and other financial institutions to be set up.

This economic reform is to change the government’s leading role and stimulate the market vitality. Also introduce the competition mechanism into the market, break monopoly and improve the market economy. The role of the Chinese government in the future economic development will be different. It will change from leading role to an open counseling role. It is hard to say whether it is a good thing or bad thing. As the government decided, this reform is a long-term process, the government should give it a try and see what will happened to the market and make some improvement when necessary.





Businesses should have social responsibility

As business, when they set their aim, they should not only focus on making profits, but also should share the social responsibility. In the past, some paper producer in China cut down lots of trees to make papers, which have a very bad impact on environment. In order to protect the environment, some businesses begin to produce the recycled papers and design a series of activities about “protect environment ”, such as planting trees.

“The Body Shop” is a case in point. They have always been passionately against animal testing. All the products they produced are natural. There are no chemicals in their products. Further, China is a huge market due to the fast speed of economy growth. Why Body Shop didn’t expand their market in China? The reason is the policy in China is all cosmetics must be tested on animals. But Body Shop’s value is against animal testing.

It is the common wish that the natural resources can sustain many generations.

The end of single child policy in China

China introduced the one-child policy at the end of 1970s to decrease the rate of population growth. The policy controls the population effectively, but it has several side effects.
Ageing of population is the most serious problem caused by the single child policy. As older people die, there are not enough young ones replace them. As the elderly are the majority age group in the society, Chinese government has to spend a lot to taking care of the old people. Also there are not enough young people to join the army.
The second child policy can also have positive effect on economy. Parents will purchase more baby products, as the demand go up, there could be more company produce baby products. So, there will be competition in this market, customers can get high-quality products with a reasonable price.
This decision can also reflect that the Chinese government has become more humanized than before. It is people’s right to decide how many child they want to have.
The government have to think what they have to do if the rate of population growth increased a lot after the second child policy has been introduced.


How to make the online payment be safe

Online shopping has become more and more popular especially among young people. Security payment is the thing that customers concerned about. I believe if the online payment method 100% secure, there would be more people choose online shopping instead of shopping in store, because online shopping can save people’s time.
How to make the online payment become 100% secure is a big issue. It is important for customers to be aware of any virus when the payment is processing,if customers choose shopping with the famous website, such as Amazon, the payment will be safer than choosing other website. Also, the company offers the online shopping has to make sure their sits can’t be attack by hackers. Furthermore, the bank can helps to make online payment be more secure. Banks can send customers text messages when they make online payment in order to confirm the purchase.
Shopping online has become more and more acceptable by general public, so it is necessary to provide a safe environment for customers.

House price in China

Nowadays, the house price increased a lot in all parts of China. No one can deny that for the past two decades, property has been one of the foundations of China’s phenomenal growth. But there are ongoing worries that the market may be overheating. The property prices have continued to rise, it isn’t easy for the people in the middle class to buy property, especially in big cities. This causes several problems, such as the dissatisfaction and social instability. For the young who live in the big cities, they live under pressure. They have to work for 20 or more years to buy property. For the people who in lower class, they hate the government and society. Because they live a poor live and feel insecure in the society.

From my point of view, the Chinese government should take some measures for the “High house price in China”. The gap between the rich and the poor become lager and lager. The rich are worried about their property coz the society is not stable, most of them move their money into other countries. The government should set a max price for the house and make it affordable.


SANLU event in 2008

In 2008, the baby powder produced by SANLU make kids died in China. The product SANLU produced containing melamine that was 5,125 times higher than the European Union safety limits. As businesses, they should not only focus on how to max the profits, they also have to take responsibilities for consumers. Add chemicals in the baby powder leads to kidney stones, especially among babies can be defined as immoral behavior. Besides, Chinese people don’t trust the market since these event, they choose to buy baby powder from other countries. This leads to the shortage of baby powder worldwide. (Most Chinese travel to other countries just for buying baby powder.)

This also can reflect the problem within the Chinese government. The melamine containing in the product was higher than the safety limits, how can the quality control department didn’t find it out? From my point of view, the only possible reason is that the head of the SANLU and the head of the quality control department make a compromise about this immoral thing. As a government, they have to think of their citizen’s safety in order to rebuild their reputation. As the company, they have to make high-quality products to build customers’ trust.