House price in China

Nowadays, the house price increased a lot in all parts of China. No one can deny that for the past two decades, property has been one of the foundations of China’s phenomenal growth. But there are ongoing worries that the market may be overheating. The property prices have continued to rise, it isn’t easy for the people in the middle class to buy property, especially in big cities. This causes several problems, such as the dissatisfaction and social instability. For the young who live in the big cities, they live under pressure. They have to work for 20 or more years to buy property. For the people who in lower class, they hate the government and society. Because they live a poor live and feel insecure in the society.

From my point of view, the Chinese government should take some measures for the “High house price in China”. The gap between the rich and the poor become lager and lager. The rich are worried about their property coz the society is not stable, most of them move their money into other countries. The government should set a max price for the house and make it affordable.


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