Archive for January, 2011

‘Skins’- the Sleazy Show

Friday, January 28th, 2011

MTV’s  “Skins” is a crude teen drama that portrays teens engaging in sexual activity, and drug and alcohol abuse. Parents Television Council accused MTV of aiming “the most dangerous television show for children” at underage viewers and urged companies to pull their ads. Since then, numerous advertisers including Schick, Taco Bell, L’Oreal and Subway, have […]

Loyal Customers… or Starbucks Addicts?

Friday, January 21st, 2011

As Commerce students, we truly understand the desire, correction: addiction, consumers have for their daily coffee fixes. In class, we talk about turning shoppers into loyal customers, then to avid patrons. But perhaps the real aim is to turn consumer desire into consumer obsession. Take Starbucks for example; It has created an addiction around their […]

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