Archive for February, 2011

Grey’s Anatomy Gets Innovative!

Friday, February 25th, 2011

If you read Graeme Law’s blog,  you will read about the idea that social media marketing will not be as necessary in the business world as its recent progress has suggested. Instead, Graeme believes that communication mediums like linked in, twitter, and facebook have been overestimated in their abilities and have no intrinsic way of […]

Sun Chips Bag Too Noisy?

Thursday, February 10th, 2011

Before reading my blog, please take the time to watch this short video: As you can see, Sun Chips launched a new addition to their placing strategy (from the 4 P’s). The company has altered their packaging to redirect their segmentation and appeal to a broader audience by capturing the eco-friendly target group. However many […]

Target hits their Target Market… with a Crazy Lady?

Wednesday, February 2nd, 2011

It is true that the major mistake of the Production era was assuming that just because products are new, they will sell themselves. However, maybe that idea holds some merit. What got me to reconsider were Target’s ads. While scoping YouTube to watch more besides the three (relatively unique) ones we saw in class, I […]

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