Sun Chips Bag Too Noisy?

by tierneyrocky ~ February 10th, 2011. Filed under: Uncategorized.

Before reading my blog, please take the time to watch this short video:

YouTube Preview Image

As you can see, Sun Chips launched a new addition to their placing strategy (from the 4 P’s). The company has altered their packaging to redirect their segmentation and appeal to a broader audience by capturing the eco-friendly target group. However many existing consumers have fought against the innovation by sending in complaints about how noisy the new 100% biodegradable packaging is! Is the idea of ‘saving the world’ really too daunting of an idea, or are people just that lazy and self-absorbed? Personally (and unfortunately) I believe it is the ladder: where so many individuals prefer to spend their efforts writing about petty complaints like how to preserve the precious silence of their chip bags just so they can munch away without being noticed (and therefore judged), instead of focusing their efforts on real issues like how to be environmentally responsible.

Despite this, it is clear that there are some consumers out there who do respect the idea of being eco-friendly. A few comments responding to the YouTube video express their frustration: “You know what’s noisy? Garbage trucks making extra trips to overflowing landfills” and even: “people are so dumb. I have an idea. How about we just get rid of all the f***ing snack foods all together. That way, we will save the earth and save ourselves from being fat asses at the same time.” (I apologize for the swearing – their words not mine!)

Ultimately, which strategy would be more sustainable for Sun Chips? To respond to the unhappy consumer feedback to retain it’s current market share, or to continue with the biodegradable idea in the hopes that they will gain more eco-friendly consumers that they will lose frustrated/lazy customers? –Oops, you don’t get time to think this one out, because Sun Chips has already decided to discontinue its biodegradable packaging of its travel size bags for most of the flavours.

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