Surprise, surprise… Another Technological Advancement!

by tierneyrocky ~ March 31st, 2011. Filed under: Uncategorized.

As I was taking a break from studying and watching a show with my mom just yesterday, we were stunned by the newest addition by Telus. I’m not sure why we were surprised, considering the leaps technology continues to make, but this ad made our jaws drop and our eyes roll.

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Although this is another new technological feat, after the recent introduction of the Apple IPad, and shortly after the IPad 2, it almost feels exhausting to see another slightly more advanced piece of technology being released. Nevertheless, this is what it is about:

Social networking meets television in a new application. Telus has introduced a Facbeook app that allows viewers to stay in check with their Facebook friends’ activities, in a format similar to a side-bar that is simultaneously visible as their favourite episodes play un-interrupted. Not only can you see others’ status’s, but you can browse photos, walls, and profiles, and even leave comments and ratings. All this can be done through the tv’s remote, except for typing which must be done through the tv’s touch-screen capabilities.

Sign-in to the Facebook app on the TV is password-protected, so different people sharing one television would all have separate sign ins lnking to their own Facebook accounts.

The introduction of Facebook to Optik TV appears to be only a first step in Telus’ plan to expand social networking on its television service, as they are now making plans to include Twitter.

One thing I have not addressed so far is: who the heck actually wants to go onto Facebook while they are in the middle of watching tv? Are ads really that boring? I think consumers should just suck it up, maybe go outside and run?  Ha, knowing how inseperable my fellow generation X-er’s are with our Smartphones though, I am sure our phones (which already have fully functional facebook capabilities) will only be an arm’s length away as they watch!


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