Blogging at its Best

by tierneyrocky ~ November 12th, 2012. Filed under: Uncategorized.

With many reports, group presentations, and assignments coming to their deadlines this month, some of use may be losing some faith in the importance of blogging. We may be putting off our weekly (supposedly) blog to work on other assignments we consider to be bigger priorities. I certainly considered doing so. But then, the thought of pushing back my blog and doing it at a later date inspired me to write a post about why blogs add value to our lives, as marketers or even just as people who want to voice themselves.

This brief video of Seth Godin and Tom Peters captures the sentiments that I want to share.

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So for some, maybe your blog doesn’t add value to your life in a profound way, and maybe you dread writing them. But when you think about it, the thought process and critical thinking you force yourself to go through, about topics that matter to your future career, is rather useful!

Yes, we already spend more than half our current daily lives being students and writing assignemnts that prompt us to think about similar issues and force us to answer with our opinions and knowledge – but still, blogs are different. Blogs let us be free to write whatever we want, with the concept that no professor is going to mark them, and yet that anyone can read them. We no longer worry about hitting the right points or including the right terms, but rather we can write something that truly reflects who we are and how we think, because we are not trying to impress a select person. We are also free to follow less structure and allow our personality to shine through much more brightly. Although there is uncertainty of who (if anyone) is on the other end reading, somehow just the possibility that someone is there intrigued or genuinely impressed by what we have to say, is motivation enough to put effort into these posts. In this way, blogging is really a better judge of who we are as individuals, and who we are becoming as professionals. And I think that’s pretty cool.

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