Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

Be Smart About Online Media – It Isn’t Always in the Right Hands

Sunday, November 18th, 2012

This video is similar to the Did You Know video released in 2009. However it has facts for 2012, some of which made me laugh or think. All of these facts express just how deep-rooted social media is reaching into our lives. It can start our next relationship, teach our kids what we learned on […]

Blogging at its Best

Monday, November 12th, 2012

With many reports, group presentations, and assignments coming to their deadlines this month, some of use may be losing some faith in the importance of blogging. We may be putting off our weekly (supposedly) blog to work on other assignments we consider to be bigger priorities. I certainly considered doing so. But then, the thought […]

How to Reach Protective Mobile Device Users

Saturday, November 3rd, 2012

Tim Reis, head of mobile display for Google, explains why mobile ads are the next big thing. Please watch the video at the link below! I am unable to post the video directly as it uses Flash. Source: In summary, Reis says that cell phones are “extraordinarily personal devices” and therefore must be treated as […]

“Viewability”: Will it Make you Money, or Mislead You?

Tuesday, October 30th, 2012

Ever wonder how effective “likes” on Facebook actually are at estimating the impact a post has had on users? Even worse, what about the impact of an ad that is next to that post? Recently, the term viewability has become a common metric of success for social media. However, although viewability captures one component of […]

Finally, A Comparison Us Undergrads Can Understand: How Social Media ROI is Like Buying Drinks at a Bar!

Wednesday, October 24th, 2012

Brian Solis compares social media platforms to bars in attempts to explain how they can create a quantifiable return on investment. He says: “What is the secret of bars? Why do we happily pay four times as much for beer in a bar as in a store? We pay this brand premium to be with […]

Social “Slacktivism”

Monday, October 15th, 2012

It is becoming apparent that I have started to actively read Brian Solis’ blog. He writes about various topics, and I am enjoying thinking about his ideas and prompts. Here is another one of my posts based off his. In Brian’s post “Social Slacktivism” (see here) he points out how there have been many debates […]

Promoting the Value of E-Marketing

Wednesday, October 10th, 2012

Brian Solis’ blog on how businesses are not making the pivot from lip service to social customer service, explains that while intentions to improve customer engagement and relationships via social run high among executives, the reality is that businesses aren’t putting their investments where their aspirations are. (See his full post here.) That being said, where […]

San Francisco Giants Social Media

Saturday, September 29th, 2012

Since I grew up in a baseball family, I am a big fan of the game. This fact, coupled with my degree specializing in Marketing, meant I naturally found Brian Solis’ interview with the social media director of the San Francisco Giants interesting. Here are a few of the highlights, and my insights on them. […]

Heard of Viddy?

Wednesday, September 26th, 2012

As marketing students, we are often asked by aunts/grandpas/friends/ __(name your skeptical acquaintance here)__ “Why should I take social media seriously?” Usually I know what to say, like: it can make your company stronger by allowing you to listen to consumers, react, and build faster and more efficiently. It gives you constant visibility with an […]

A Revolutionary Generation You Say?… It’s Time to Re-Meet Average Joe

Tuesday, September 18th, 2012

When discussing the psychological side of online searches, the subject of consumer behavior appears to be forever changing, even faster than our textbooks can keep up with. But is it really changing? One blog that caught my attention was from Brian Solis in his reference to “Generation C”. (Refer to Brian Solis’ Blog) In one […]

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