Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

Nike’s Brilliance

Thursday, April 7th, 2011

In our last Comm 296 class, we briefly discussed Nike’s brilliant marketing campaigns that stole market share and spotlight from Adidas during the 2010 World Cup in South Africa. Despite the fact that Adidas was the official World Cup sponsor, anyone could have easily mistaken that role to be taken by Nike. How did this […]

Surprise, surprise… Another Technological Advancement!

Thursday, March 31st, 2011

As I was taking a break from studying and watching a show with my mom just yesterday, we were stunned by the newest addition by Telus. I’m not sure why we were surprised, considering the leaps technology continues to make, but this ad made our jaws drop and our eyes roll. Although this is another […]

Go ahead, make mistakes!

Thursday, March 31st, 2011

Apparently, making mistakes can actually allow your company’s brand to be more positively perceived. I recently read this interesting post in a blog called Duct Tape Marketing, by John Jantsch, called “Fail in Favor of the Customer”. In it, he seems to blend a bit of marketing and HR. Essentially it is the idea that […]

Jennifer Aniston Goes Viral

Friday, March 11th, 2011

This video says it all. Hot actress. Cute animals. Cheap-shot pain. Sexualized content. I am almost certain that these are the top 4 topics that young adults of today search for online when they are bored: attractive actors, animals, humorous pain, and sex. With the recent Charlie Sheen extravaganza, it is obvious that our generation […]

Kopi Luwak

Thursday, March 10th, 2011

Kopi Luwak advertises its premium coffee with a cat and the tag line: “Good to the last dropping!” The value the company communicates to consumers is that it offers the most exotic and rare roast, as it comes from the Indonesian island of Sumatr (…well, to be even more precise, from a cat’s bum). Although […]

Grey’s Anatomy Gets Innovative!

Friday, February 25th, 2011

If you read Graeme Law’s blog,  you will read about the idea that social media marketing will not be as necessary in the business world as its recent progress has suggested. Instead, Graeme believes that communication mediums like linked in, twitter, and facebook have been overestimated in their abilities and have no intrinsic way of […]

Sun Chips Bag Too Noisy?

Thursday, February 10th, 2011

Before reading my blog, please take the time to watch this short video: As you can see, Sun Chips launched a new addition to their placing strategy (from the 4 P’s). The company has altered their packaging to redirect their segmentation and appeal to a broader audience by capturing the eco-friendly target group. However many […]

Target hits their Target Market… with a Crazy Lady?

Wednesday, February 2nd, 2011

It is true that the major mistake of the Production era was assuming that just because products are new, they will sell themselves. However, maybe that idea holds some merit. What got me to reconsider were Target’s ads. While scoping YouTube to watch more besides the three (relatively unique) ones we saw in class, I […]

‘Skins’- the Sleazy Show

Friday, January 28th, 2011

MTV’s  “Skins” is a crude teen drama that portrays teens engaging in sexual activity, and drug and alcohol abuse. Parents Television Council accused MTV of aiming “the most dangerous television show for children” at underage viewers and urged companies to pull their ads. Since then, numerous advertisers including Schick, Taco Bell, L’Oreal and Subway, have […]

Loyal Customers… or Starbucks Addicts?

Friday, January 21st, 2011

As Commerce students, we truly understand the desire, correction: addiction, consumers have for their daily coffee fixes. In class, we talk about turning shoppers into loyal customers, then to avid patrons. But perhaps the real aim is to turn consumer desire into consumer obsession. Take Starbucks for example; It has created an addiction around their […]

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