Financial Fallout if Pipeline Project Fails Feared by Majority of Canadians

October 8th, 2013 § 0 comments § permalink

The long debated pipeline project has been the talk of the country for several months, with U.S. President Barack Obama still delaying his decision on the project. Meanwhile, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper has already stated that Canada will not “take no for an answer.” Supporters of the project are anticipating the benefits that it could bring to Canada’s economy, while opponents of the project are rallying about the potentially harmful impacts that it could bring to the environment.

According to a recent online survey conducted by Ipsos-Reid and CTV News, one in six Canadian are fearing the financial fallout that might occur as a result of failure of the pipeline project. The survey showed that older generations were more likely to fear this financial fallout, which could be understood since many of these older generation members held shares in Kinder Morgan and Enderbridge. However what was most surprising of the survey results were that fifty-five percent of respondents between the ages of the 18 to 34 who also feared this financial fallout. This new generation are the ones who had most likely just entered the workforce, most likely with no direct affiliation with the energy companies, which was why their response was surprising to many. Why is the younger generation fearing financial  fallout when they are most likely not the ones with the Enbridge company shares? Were you surprised by these results?


“HOME | Northern Gateway Pipelines |” HOME | Northern Gateway Pipelines | N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Oct. 2013.

Janus, Andrea. “Canadians Fear Financial Fallout If Pipeline Projects Killed.” – BNN News. N.p., 4 Oct. 2013. Web. 08 Oct. 2013.

Picture source: Wolf, Frank. “Sinopec Teams up with Enbridge for Northern Gateway Pipeline.”Financial Post. N.p., 18 Jan. 2011. Web. 08 Oct. 2013.

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